URL: https://library.desy.de/publicationsdesy/recommendations/faq/index_eng.html
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Frequently asked questions
- How do I keep my rights on figures and pictures (only when not publishing under a CC-BY license)
- Is there a special Agreement with publishers?
- The publisher requested a confirmation on whether each author has obtained a waiver for the Article from their institution or university’s open access policy.
- How to put my own work under a CC-BY license
- How do I use a work under a CC-BY licence?
- What kind of approval do I need for conference presentation/slides?
- How to easily make mutliple similar entries for e.g. for poster and proceedings (re-using data and linking)?
- ArXiv: Which license should I choose?
- Free to Read
- How do I correctly state my affiliation(s)?
- How do I correctly formulate an acknowledgement in a scientific publication?
- What is the correct mandatory statement to acknowlege the DFG Open Access publication cost funding for DESY?
- How to find a suitable journal for disseminating of your research
In your publication clearly state the license of the figures and pictures:
You can either do this e.g. after the "Acknowledgemet" (recomended), or add individual licence statements to every caption.
If figures and pictures are your own work state:
„(c) All figures and pictures by the author(s) under a CC BY 4.0 license, unless otherwise stated.”
or use an individual statement in every caption
„(c) By the author(s) under a CC BY 4.0 license”
If you can't put the link "behind" CC-BY 4.0 add "(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)". The (c) is optional and you can also optionally transfer rights to DESY by stating "by DESY" instead of "by the author(s)". The latter version has the advantage that a publisher will more likely accept this.
If there are figures or pictures with other licences in your work state their license in the corresponding caption(s).
This ensures that others (including DESY!) can use your material with a proper citation without paying a fee to the rights holder (i.e. usually the publisher)
If DESY already has a special agreement with a publisher, follow the procedure below and use the appropriate Copyright Transfer Agreement.If there is no special agreement with the publisher and the above mentioned license you stated in your manuscript is not accepeted, write an e-mail to the publisher (CC'ing L.publishing (@) desy.de) stating:
"Unfortunately , I cannot sign a full copyright transfer agreement, as my employer, DESY,
reserves usage rights on figures and pictures . Under our publication policy, even if authors
are copyright holders, they cannot grant exclusive rights to <publisher _name>.
However, DESY is willing to grant <publisher _name> a non-exclusive licence to include all
figures and pictures of the above - mentioned article to be published in the journal
<journal _ name> and the right to include the material in all media,
including electronic and microfilm, and to use the material in conjunction with
computer-based electronic information retrieval systems,
to grant permissions for photocopying, reproductions, and reprints, to translate the material
and publish the translation, and to authorize document delivery and abstracting services.“
NB: If you publish in an gold open access journal and the whole article is licensed under a CC-BY license, these extra steps are not necessary.
- For publications in Elsevier Journals DESY authors can keep their rights for images, figures and plots by asking to amend a "Short license" to the publisher contract by contacting "oxfordcopyrights (Elsevier)" (Please CC the mail to L.publishing@desy.de). Authors should include the reference number and what material needs to be included in the short license, and the names and street addresses of the rights holders.
- For IOP we have a transformative agreement (valid until 12/31/2024) for publications from all journals in the lists A, B and D from the lists of eligible journals. See also: Author guide and Leaflet.
- For OSA the publisher asks for a hefty addition to publish under a CC-BY license. Although there is an agreement that all authors from Helmholtz Institutions are eligable for a CC-BY license, this is considerd to be equal to the case of a hybrid journal. We would like to remind you, that publishing in hybrid journals is not recommended. We therefore ask you to keep your right on figures and pictures as above if you publish not CC-BY. CC-BY OA charges will not be covered by the library. If you wish to publish under a CC-BY license , note that the OSA system can't do this automatically, so authors should request this during the submission or peer-review process.
NB: Normally you would include all your own material and give your name and address as rights holder. You might want to add that the material is availabe under an Open Access CC-BY 4.0 license.
The reason for the letter is that this publisher does not honor the recommendation of the European commission on Open Access, which in Germany is also supported by HGF and of course DESY.
In their "Guidelines to the Rules on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Open Access to Research Data in Horizon 2020" (on page 7 Step 2 No 1, it is stated:
"Beneficiaries can deposit the final peer-reviewed manuscript in a repository of their choice. They must ensure open access to the publication within at most 6 months."
The publisher probably allows this only after 12 or evven 24 month
Before you answer, make sure that your work was not (partially) supoported with EU funding, hence does not fall unde the above mentioned clause.
Since DESY does not force scientists to adhere to the six month embargo period (although DESY recommends that scientists should prefer publishers, who honor this period), send an e-mail to the library to get a confirmation, which is a valid waiver.
However, you should consider the following:
To allow bes dissimination of your work:
1) Usually the publisher allows you to post your submitted version as preprint on a preprint server as e.g. arXiv.org. Do this if possible (also outside the HEP community)
2) Keep the rights on your figures and pictures (See our FAQ ) on how to do this
3) Register your publication in the DESY Publication Database (PubDB incl. the post referee version and the publisher fulltext)
4) Consider to list all your publications on your personal website using the DESY Publication Database (See e.g. this weppage)
If you like, you can send us your copyright transfer agreement with the publisher and we will have a look.
In case to further questions to 1) - 4) above, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If all content of your work is your own you may choose to grant a CC-BY license to your work:
Insert the following into your work:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
In case you use something (e.g. pictures, ...) which are not your own, exclude these from the license, by either prepending "Except otherwise stated, this work ..." or add
The terms of the Creative Commons license only apply to original material.
Reuse of material from other sources (marked by quoting the original source) such as Diagrams, images, photos and text extracts may require further usage permits from the respective rights holder.
Of course state the other license explicitly in your text.
Usually this text is put either in a footnote at the first page or at the end in e.g. a section called "Additional Information"
NB: A CC-BY license is usually not compatible with a later publication of the same work in a non-open-access journal, since non-open-access publishers usually ask you to transfer all usage rights. On the other hand CC-BY for pictures, tables, figures, ... are not known to cause problems.
For a printed work use the following:


Dieses Werk ist unter einer Creative Commons Lizenz vom Typ Namensnennung 4.0 International zugänglich.
Diese Lizenz erlaubt Dritten, ein Werk zu verbreiten, zu remixen, zu verbessern und darauf aufzubauen, auch kommerziell, solange der Urheber des Originals genannt wird.
Um eine Kopie dieser Lizenz einzusehen, konsultieren Sie http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ oder wenden Sie sich brieflich an Creative Commons, Postfach 1866, Mountain View, California, 94042, USA.
Die Bedingungen der Creative-Commons-Lizenz gelten nur für Originalmaterial.
Die Wiederverwendung von Material aus anderen Quellen (gekennzeichnet durch
Quellenangabe) wie z.B. Schaubilder, Abbildungen, Fotos und Textauszüge erfordert ggf. weitere Nutzungsgenehmigungen durch den jeweiligen Rechteinhaber.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0).
The Creative Commons Attribution license allows re-distribution and re-use of a licensed work on the condition that the creator is appropriately credited. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
The terms of the Creative Commons license only apply to original material.
Reuse of material from other sources (marked by quoting the original source) such as Diagrams, images, photos and text extracts may require further usage permits from the respective rights holder.
An example is the re-use of Fig. 3a of 10.1021/acsami.5b02901
"Evolution of average real space parameters" by M. Schwartzkopf et al. (c) ACS (DOI 10.1021/acsami.5b02901) licensed under CC-BY 4.0 International license
Usually for conference posters and conference slides you do not need to fill out the official approval form.
However according to the Publication Guidelines chapter 3.1.2:
"The content of posters for a conference or a presentation is to be aligned with the responsible
group leader or a leading scientist. For an external publication of the content (e.g. in proceedings,
online, …) beyond the original purpose, a respective approval [using the official approval form] is needed. "
NB: You always need to create an entry in the DESY Publication database. Add the appropriate fulltext/slide for archival reason and indicate in the comment field if you want us to make the files publicly available if allowed by copyright. The default here is to keep them restricted.
Fortunately the system allows you to re-use the data, which saves a lot of time.
- First create a complete entry for the poster. Note the record number, which you find in the url of the entry (e.g. https://bib-pubdb1.desy.de/record/12345 in this case 12345
- For the proceeding use the import functionality:
Open the right submission mask and use "preprint:12345", where the 12345 is the record number of the poster (n.b. Although you are re-using information from a poster, "preprint" is the right type of import here, since you want almost all information to be copied) - Correct any information if needed and attach the fulltexts
- Press "postpone" and follow the usual workflow for the approval of a scientific publication
NB: If you have to input a lot of conference entries for the same conference, we recommend to create a stub record for this conference and use "id:12345" to import this stub data without generating any linkage. Please contact us in case of questions
Unless you are sure your article will appear in the journal under a CC_BY llicense (i.e. "Gold Open Access") the publisher will need a signed copyright transfer agreement, Such an agreement usually only allows you to choose the standard arXiv license See arXiv help
Note that this license does not give DESY any rights on the arXiv version. To have a local copy available, please upload the fulltext also into the DESY Publication Database
You should ensure that you retain your rights on figures and pictures, ..., by stating in your manuscript, that these are published under a CC-BY license (See
Please note that you need a signed permission form before you upload your article to arXiv (See http://library.desy.de/publicationsdesy/)
After publication in the journal we ask you to store the fulltext of the last version you sent to the publisher, as well as the original publishers pdf in the Publication database. We moreover ask you to allow us to make the versions, where this is allowed openly accessible (Green OA).
There are some publishers who claim to publish Open Access, where authors must sign a copyright transfer agreement (e.g. OSA) or pay an extra fee for a CC-BY license.
According to the following statement of the HGF AK Bibliotheks- und Informationsmanagement, we consider this as hybrid Open Access models, which the library does not recommend.
The original statement is:
"Der HGF AK Bibliotheks- und Informationsmanagement beobachtet mit Sorge, dass "Open Access"-Zeitschriften mit hohen Publikationsgebühren auf dem Markt erscheinen, bei denen standardmäßig ausschließlich freies Lesen ("gratis OA") erlaubt ist, während gleichzeitig für weitere (größtmögliche) Nachnutzung der Inhalte ("libre OA") Zusatzgebühren anfallen.
Der Arbeitskreis spricht sich dafür aus, solche Zeitschriften als "hybrid-OA" einzustufen und nicht über die zentrumseigenen Publikationsfonds zu fördern."
The Affiliation Rules for DESY (login required) can be found on the Rules and Standards page. A copy of this list is provided below for easier access.
According to 2.7.1 of the DESY Publication Guidelines mentioning affiliations of authors is done in accordance with the recommendations „Empfehlung Leitlinien zur Nennung von Affiliationen bei Publikationen der 24. Mitgliederversammlung der HRK am 24. April 2018 in Mannheim“
The nomination of the DESY affiliation reads as follows:
[Official Partner, ]Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY,[ <Adresse>,] Germany
The information [Official Partner], e.g. “Center for Free-Electron Laser Science CFEL”, “CSSB Centre for Structural Systems Biology”, … is optional. The list of “Official Partners” as defined by the DESY directorate can be found below, and only the entries listed below are to be used.
Other (non-DESY) affiliations must be given as additional affiliations.
The optional <Adresse> consists of the optional elements [<Straße>,] [<PLZ>] [<Ort>] in this order.
For Zeuthen: <Strasse> is „Platanenallee 6”, <PLZ> is “15738” and <Ort> is “Zeuthen“.
For Hamburg: <Strasse> is either “Notkestr.85” or „Notkestrasse 85” or “Notkestraße 85”, <PLZ> is either “22607” or – if no <Strasse> is given “22603”. <Ort> is ”Hamburg“.
The country information “Germany” is only optional if <Adresse> is used.
No further information is needed and no other additions/changes are allowed.
Valid examples:
- Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Germany
- Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany
- Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, 22603 Hamburg, Germany
- Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Platanenallee 6, 15738 Zeuthen, Germany
- Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
- Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Notkestrasse 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
- Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Notkestraße 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
- Center for Free-Electron Laser Science CFEL, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
Name/spelling | Website |
Center for Free-Electron Laser Science CFEL | www.cfel.de |
Center for Data and Computing in Natural Science CDCS | www.cdcs.uni-hamburg.de |
CSSB Centre for Structural Systems Biology | www.cssb-hamburg.de |
Centre for X-ray and Nano Science CXNS | www.desy.de/forschung/kooperationen__institute/cxns |
Wolfgang-Pauli-Centre | www.wpc-hh.de |
Voss-Wideroe-Centre | Under contruction |
Center for Integrated Multiscale Materials Systems CIMMS | Under contruction |
Centre for Molecular Water Science CMWS | Under contruction |
Helmholtz Imaging | www.helmholtz-imaging.de |
Ruprecht-Haensel-Labor RHL | www.kinsis.uni-kiel.de/de/plattformen-netzwerke/ruprecht-haensel-labor |
John von Neumann-Institut für Computing NIC | www.john-von-neumann-institut.de |
By DESY authors
Official collaborations with DESY involvement are usually subject to guidelines that the respective spokespersons provide information about. Unless otherwise defined, the acknowledgement of DESY by the authors with a DESY affiliation (DESY authors) should at least read as follows:„(1) acknowledge(s) support from DESY ((2), Germany), a member of the Helmholtz Association HGF.”
1Names of authors who indicate a DESY-Affiliation or “The authors” – for all authors
2Hamburg / Zeuthen
By users
All users carrying out or participating in experiments at DESY or using DESY resources commit themselves to adequately mention DESY as well as all involved DESY employees in all publications resulting from these activities. The wording of such an acknowledgement looks as follows:"We acknowledge DESY ((1), Germany), a member of the Helmholtz Association HGF, for the provision of experimental facilities. Parts of this research were carried out at (2) and we would like to thank (3) for assistance in using (4)."
1Hamburg / Zeuthen
3Name(s) of the local staff who assisted the experiment, in case that they are not co-authors
4Name of the DESY instrumentation used, such as photon beamline(s)/ off-line instrument / support
laboratory / laser system / major software package, etc.
Part of the funding requirements is that all publications that qualify must acknowledge the DFG funding (e.g. all Open Access publications, but if you are in doubt, please ask the library):
The publications must contain a reference to the DFG funding (so-called "Funding Acknowledgement")
in the following form:
"„Gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - 491245950“.
In publications in foreign languages, a translation of the DFG into the target language should be added:
e.g. in English: "funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) - 491245950 ".
Although the DFG does not explicitly state in its guidelines how a full sentence should look like, a full sentence would be:
"This work was funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) - 491245950 "
A list of journals, that are eligible for the funding can be found in the DESY Publication Database.
See the short guide for finding the right journal or contact the library directly.