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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Aftab, N. ; Hillert, W. ; Krasilnikov, M.
4D transverse and 2D longitudinal phase space characterization of high brightness electron beams at PITZ
In the scope of this thesis work, the existing diagnostic setups for the transverseand longitudinal phase space characterization at the Photo Injector Test facility atDESY in Zeuthen (PITZ) have been utilized to obtain detailed and reliable results.PITZ, being a test facility for European XFEL and FLASH, needs to do detailedcharacterization of electron beams to ensure that they meet the requirements ofthe FELs, i.e., small transverse emittance and energy spread as well as high peakcurrent.For the reconstruction of the horizontal and vertical phase spaces, PITZ utilizes aslit scan technique as a standard tool because of its space charge dominated electronbeams. A novel method for 4 dimensional transverse phase space characterization,known as virtual pepper pot, is proposed that can give insight to the transversebeam phase space coupling. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Berlea, V. D. ; Worm, S.
Radiation damage studies of monolithic silicon sensors for particle and astro-particle physics applications
Berlin 205 pp. (2024)2024 = Dissertation, Humboldt University, 2024
The development and characterization of new detector technologies is an important research path in order to facilitate future high energy and astroparticle physics experiments. For both the harsh radiation environment of modern collider experiments and the proton, electron and heavy ion rich environment in the outer earth orbit, the radiation hardness of modern detectors is one of their most important figures of merit. [...]
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Colombina, F. C. ; Meyer, A. ; Haller, J.
First simultaneous measurement of single and pair production of top quarks in association with a Z boson at the LHC
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, DESY-THESIS 156 pp. (2024) [10.3204/PUBDB-2024-01900]2024 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2024
In the years 2016–2018 the CMS Experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Colliderrecorded a large amount of proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energyof 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb−1.With this large dataset, the associated production of top quarks with the Z bosonhas been measured precisely and differentially. In this thesis, for the first time,single and pair production of top quarks in association with a Z boson (tZq, tWZand ttZ) are measured simultaneously and differentially. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-24-007.title -
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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Grocholski, O. ; Diehl, M. ; Moch, S.-O.
Transverse momentum dependence in double parton scattering
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, DESY-THESIS 195 pp. (2024) [10.3204/PUBDB-2024-06768]2024 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2024
Double parton scattering (DPS) is a mechanism in which two hard parton-levelprocesses take place in a single hadron-hadron collision. This can yield importantcontributions to search processes at the LHC, a prominent channel being like-sign leptonpair production via the production of two W bosons of equal charge in a double Drell-Yan process.The factorization theorems allow to write the DPDs cross-section in terms ofperturbatively computable hard scattering part, and non-perturbative objects calleddouble parton distributions (DPDs), which contain a lot of new information abouthadron structure at the quantum level, such as correlations between partons inpolarization, color, and momentum.In this thesis, we describe transverse-momentum dependence in the process ofproduction of two W bosons in proton-proton collision via double parton scattering.This requires so-called transverse momentum-dependent double parton distributions(DTMDs). [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-24-017.title -
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Master Thesis
Hosseini Senvan, S. ; Moortgat-Pick, G. ; List, J.
Dark Photon Searches at Future $e^+ e^-$ Colliders
The Dark Photon is a hypothetical particle that can be possibly detected in the experiment because of its kinetic mixing with the ordinary, visible photon. In theories where dark matter is explained by the existence of a ’dark sector’, interacting with the visible sector of the Standard Model via gravitation, the photon of the dark sector, the Dark Photon (A_D ), might be the only visible manifestation of the dark sector. [...]
Bachelor Thesis
Lamaack, J. ; Hillert, W. ; Kube, G.
New Beam Position Monitor System for PETRA IV
41 pp. (2024)2024 = Bachelorarbeit, University of Hamburg, 2024
The PETRA IV project at DESY aims to upgrade the present synchrotron radiation sourcePETRA III into a source of ultra-low emittance with target emittance of 20pmrad. Thesmall beam emittance translates directly into much smaller beam sizes of about 7 μmhorizontally and 3 μm vertically at insertion device source points, thus imposing stringentrequirements on the machine’s stability. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Linnet, J. ; Kjelstrup-Hansen, J. ; Nørgaard, J. ; et al
The Stretchable OLED Display
University of Southern Denmark 163 pp. (2024) [10.21996/QE6M-1464]2024 = Dissertation, University of Southern Denmark, 2024
Documenting the evolution of flexible and stretchable electronics, this thesishighlights the shift from traditional circuits to innovative designs that leveragematerials like organic semiconductors and advanced substrates for enhancedmechanical, optical, and electrical properties.Recent advancements in flexible electronics, primarily due to effective management of bending strain, have unlocked diverse applications including wearabletechnology, flexible solar cells, bio-integrated devices, and notably, stretchableorganic displays, with the latter being a focal point of this project. While bendabledesigns have successfully entered commercial production, the development ofstretchable applications continues to pose significant challenges.The focus here is on optimizing each element of organic light-emitting diodes,from elastomeric substrates and electrodes to active organic layers, balancingperformance with cost-effectiveness for potential mass production. [...]
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Liu, M. ; Poully, J.-C.
Radiatiοn-induced prοcesses within DΝA in the gas phase
136 pp. (2024)2024 = Dissertation, University of Caen, 2024
DNA damage is generally considered to be the most common and most important type of lesions in cells caused by ionizing radiation. While DNA damage caused by ionizing radiation poses serious risks to human health, it also makes radiation therapy a powerful tool for killing cancer cells and saving lives. [...]
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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
McKeown, P. ; Gaede, F. ; Kasieczka, G.
Development and Performance of a Fast Simulation Tool for Showers in High Granularity Calorimeters based on Deep Generative Models
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, DESY-THESIS 186 pp. (2024) [10.3204/PUBDB-2024-01825]2024 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2024
Modern high energy physics experiments fundamentally rely on large quantities of simulateddata, placing significant demands on the available computational resources. Machine learningmethods based on deep generative models promise to reduce the compute time required tosimulate particle showers in the calorimeter system, which constitutes the most computationallyintensive part of a full detector simulation.This work focuses on the development of a first simulation tool based on deep generativemodels for shower simulation in highly granular calorimeters, and subsequently studies itsperformance in a realistic detector geometry. [...]
OpenAccess: mckeown_thesis -
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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Mendizabal Morentin, M. ; Jung, H. ; Gallo-Voss, E.
$Z$ boson production in association with jets: measurement and phenomenology
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, DESY-THESIS 164 pp. (2024) [10.3204/PUBDB-2024-00440]2024 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2023
In this thesis, we study two $Z$ boson production mechanisms: the Drell-Yan process andreal electroweak corrections.The transverse momentum spectrum of the Drell-Yan lepton pair is of general interest asit is sensitive to the hadron structure. Moreover, the small transverse momentum region, $q{\tiny T}$ $<$ m$_{ll}$, is sensitive to the 3D structure of the hadron. [...]
OpenAccess: ThesisPubMikelMendizabal -
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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Negi, A. ; Roehlsberger, R. ; Brandt, C.
Energy time ptychography for Mössbauer resonances
It is a fundamental problem in photon science that at X-ray energies, the oscillation frequency of the electromagnetic field is so high that a detector cannot measure the phase of an interacting object. This ‘phase problem’ also occurs in measurements of an object’s atomic-level properties using recoilless nuclear resonant scattering (NRS) of pulsed synchrotron radiation, which is based on the Mössbauer effect.In this thesis, we demonstrate how to use a ptychographic scanning technique to perform computational phase retrieval for an object in the energy domain via overlapping NRS measurements in the time domain. [...]
Bachelor Thesis
Parra Asensio, D. ; Kogler, R. ; Haller, J.
The Influence of Parton Shower and Hadronization Models on Machine LearningJet Taggers
54 pp. (2024)2024 = Bachelorarbeit, University of Hamburg, 2024
In simulating high-energy particle collisions, Monte Carlo event generatorsemploy different models to create parton showers and replicate hadronization.The choice of model can influence the final state of the simulation and,consequently, the subsequent analysis of the generated event. This study utilizeda machine learning algorithm to discern the differences between quark and gluonjets generated through different approaches to showering and hadronization.Initially, particle jets from dijet events generated using Pythia, Sherpa and Herwigwere compared across various jet- and particle-level properties. [...]
Master Thesis
Sohail, Z. M. ; Berkels, B. ; Rossnagel, K.
Denoising Methods for Multi-Dimensional Photoemission Spectroscopy
Aachen : RWTH Aachen 92 pp. (2024)2024 = Masterarbeit, RWTH Aachen, 2025
The probabilistic nature of photoemission, combined with the exploration of large multidimensional parameter spaces–including momentum, energy, time and spin polarization–necessitates time-intensive data acquisition to ensure statistical robustness. These measurements are especially important for capturing ultrafast phenomena, where pulsed light sources, such as free-electron lasers (FELs), become indispensable due to their ability to deliver high-brightness, ultrashort X-ray pulses. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Somu, D. R. ; Merk, V.
Looking Into the Deep: Investigating Micro- and Nanoscale Biomineral Architecture of Marine Organisms Using Advanced Characterization Techniques
Boca Raton, FL, USA 186 pp. (2024)2024 = Dissertation, Florida Atlantic University, 2024
Living organisms synthesize and assemble complex bioinorganic composites with enhanced structure and properties to fulfill needs such as structural support and enhanced mechanical function. With the advent of advanced materials characterization techniques, these biomineral systems can be explored with high resolution to glean information on their composition, ultrastructure, assembly, and biomechanics. [...]
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Tasillo, C. ; Schmidt-Hoberg, K. ; Servant, G.
Exploring the dark universe with gravitational wave backgrounds
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, DESY-THESIS 219 pp. (2024) [10.3204/PUBDB-2024-06335]2024 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2024
Gravitational waves have recently emerged as a novel messenger inastronomy, providing profound insights into the evolution of the cosmos:Last year, several pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) announced the detectionof a gravitational wave background (GWB) at nHz frequencies, markinga significant milestone in this field. This discovery can be interpretedas a signal emitted by the inspiral of supermassive black holes duringhierarchical structure formation. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-24-016.title -
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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Tellander, F. ; Papathanasiou, G.
Analytic and Algebraic Studies of Feynman Integrals
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, DESY-THESIS 170 pp. (2024) [10.3204/PUBDB-2024-05043]2024 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2024
Feynman integrals are central to the calculation of scattering amplitudes both in particle and gravitationalwave physics. This thesis presents advancements in both the analytical and algebraicstructure of these integrals and shows how this can be used for efficient evaluation of these integrals.Paper I. [...]
OpenAccess: PhD Thesis Tellander -
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Vahdani, M. ; Kärtner, F.
Electromagnetic Design of High-Gradient THz Accelerators
Dielectric Loaded Waveguide Linear Accelerators (DLW LINACs) and single-sided THz boosters are the main accelerator components of the AXSIS machine, powered by multi-cycle and single-cycle THz pulses, respectively. These components hold great promise for compact linear accelerators (LINACs) due to their ability to sustain higher breakdown fields at THz frequencies compared to conventional RF components. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Vorobiov, A. ; Kip, D. ; Laarmann, T.
Lamellar gratings for reflective split-and-delay unit in XUV spectral range
UB HSU 1 - 99 (2024) [10.24405/17105]2024 = Dissertation, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, 2024
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die hochpräzise Herstellung von Silizium-Lamellengitterspiegeln für die reflektierende Split-and-Delay-Unit (SDU) im extremen Ultraviolett- und weichen Röntgenbereich (Photonenenergien von 10 eV bis ~1 keV). Um die gute Reflektivität der Spiegel zu gewährleisten, war es notwendig, eine gute Oberflächenqualität zu erhalten, um die geringe Rauheit zu bewahren und die auftretenden Verformungen zu minimieren. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Walmsley, T. ; Burt, M. ; Ritchie, G.
Coulomb explosion imaging and covariance analysis of concurrent fragmentation mechanisms
This thesis uses Coulomb explosion imaging and covariance analysis to characterise concurrent fragmentation processes generating identical sets of products via different reaction pathways, highlighting the potential of extending these methods to study the photochemistry of larger, more chemically relevant species than those that have previously been studied. The photodissociation dynamics of CH2I2 at 202.5 nm were investigated using site-selective ionisation at the I 4d orbitals using photons of 95 eV. [...]