OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00352] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report

Light Weakly Interacting Particles: Constraints and Connection to Dark Matter
Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2013[10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2013-024]  GO
The so far unknown particle nature of dark matter is a main motivation for extending the Standard Model of particle physics. A recently promoted approach to solving this puzzle is the concept of hidden sectors. [...]
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[DESY-2014-00523] Bachelor Thesis

Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme eines Sensormessplatzes zur Bestimmung der Ladungssammeleffizienz
BTU Cottbus, Bachelorarbeit, 2013  GO
OpenAccess [PUBDB-2017-10737] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Lambda Production at High $Q^2$ in Deep Inelastic Scattering Events with H1 Detector at HERA
Mexico, Merida, Yucatan 98 pp. () [10.3204/PUBDB-2017-10737] = Dissertation, University Merida, 2013  GO
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[PUBDB-2015-00194] Diploma Thesis

Spektroskopische und mikroskopischeCharakterisierung verglaster Mo/P/Zr/Cs-reicher HLW-Simulat-Rückstände
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Diplomarbeit, 2013  GO
OpenAccess [PUBDB-2014-04197] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Cone-beam x-ray phase contrast tomography of biological samples : optimization of contrast, resolution and field of view
Göttingen : Univ.-Verl. Göttingen, Göttingen series in x-ray physics () = Univ. Göttingen, Diss., 2013  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-01492] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report

Spin Transport at the International Linear Collider and its Impact on the Measurement of Polarization
University of Hamburg, Diss., 2013[10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2013-053]  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00726] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report

Combination of the H1 and ZEUS inclusive cross-section measurements at proton beam energies of 460 and 575 GeV and tests of Low Bjorken-$x$ phenomenological models
Hamburg () [10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2013-017] = University of Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
A combination is presented of the inclusive neutral current ep scattering cross section data collected by the H1 and ZEUS collaborations during the last months of the HERA II operationperiod with proton beam energies $\it E_{p}$ of 460 and 575 GeV. The kinematic range of the cross sectiondata covers low absolute four-momentum transfers squared, 1.5 $GeV^{2}$ $\le$ $Q{^2}$ $\le$ 110 $GeV{^2}$,small values of Bjorken-x, 2.8.$10^-5$ $\le$ x $\le$ 1.5.$10^-2}$, and high inelasticity $\it y$ $\le$ 0.85. [...]
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[DESY-2014-01614] Master Thesis

Spectroscopic properties and applications of the layered perovskites
Glukhiv () = Oleksandr Dovzhenko Glukhiv National Pedagogical University, Masterarbeit, 2013  GO
OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00104] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

The structure of ultrathin iron oxide films studied by x-ray diffraction
Osnabrück : Universitätsbibliothek Osnabrück () = Universität Osnabrück, Diss., 2013  GO
In this thesis the influence of deposition conditions and post-deposition annealing on the structure of ultrathin iron oxide films grown on magnesium oxide (MgO) substrates is studied. The main experimental technique used is synchrotron based x-ray diffraction (XRD) but also x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and low energy electron diffractions (LEED) are used to characterize the samples. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00996] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report

Neutral Higgs boson searches in the $H->\tau\tau->\mu\mu$ decay channel
[CERN-THESIS-2013-176; DESY-THESIS-2013-047]
Karslruhe : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchroton () [10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2013-047] = University of Karlsruhe, Diss., 2013  GO
This dissertation describes the search for Higgs bosons decaying to a pair of tau leptons both decaying to muons. The analysis was performed using events recorded by the CMS detector at the LHC in 2011 and 2012, at center-of-mass energy 7 TeV and 8 TeV respectively. [...]
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[PUBDB-2017-143635] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

New methods for evaluating one-loop corrections of multi-jet production at the Large Hadron Collider
Berlin : Logos-Verl. 153 pages () = University of Berlin, Diss., 2013  GO
HH   539. 754801530143 Bie 1 available Find similar...
OpenAccess [DESY-2013-01115] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

The Palaeoptera problem and the evolution of head structures of Dicondylia (Insecta)
Bonn - () = University of Bonn, Diss., 2013  GO
The phylogenetic relationships of dragonflies (Odonata), mayflies (Ephemeroptera), and all other winged insects (Neoptera) is one of the major problems in systematic entomology. Three hypotheses are discussed: the Chiastomyaria hypothesis (Ephemeroptera + Neoptera), the Metapterygota hypothesis (Odonata + Neoptera), and the Palaeoptera hypothesis (Odonata + Ephemeroptera). [...]
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[PUBDB-2015-00276] Bachelor Thesis

Strukturelle und funktionelle Charakterisierung der Variante A287G des EnzymsPyruvatdecarboxylase aus Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- () = Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Bachelorarbeit, 2013  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-22363] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Measuring the Electron Bunch Timing with Femtosecond Resolution at FLASH.
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2013-008] = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
Bunch arrival time monitors (BAMs) are an integral part of the laser-based synchronisation system which is being developed at the Free Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH). The operation principle comprises the measurement of the electron bunch arrival time relative to the optical timing reference, which is provided by actively length-stabilised fibre-links of the synchronisation system. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2014-01003] Bachelor Thesis

Inbetriebnahme, Funktionstest und Optimierung eines Photonenstrahldetektors
Zeuthen () = Beuth-Hochschule für Technik Berlin, Bachelorarbeit, 2013  GO
„DESY ist eines der weltweit führenden Beschleunigerzentren und gehört zur Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft“ [2]. Eine der am Standort Hamburg betriebenen Anlagen ist PETRA III. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2014-02446] Bachelor Thesis

Inbetriebnahme, Funktionstest und Optimierung eines Photonenstrahldetektors
Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin, Bachelorarbeit, 2013  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-23587] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Cation induced self-assembly of intermediate filaments
Göttingen, Diss., 2013  GO
OpenAccess [DESY-2013-01410] Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report

Regularized Unfolding of Jet Cross Sections in Deep-Inelastic ep Scattering at HERA and Determination of the Strong Coupling Constant
Hamburg, PhD Thesis 278 pp. () [10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2013-045] = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
In this thesis double-differential cross sections for jet production in neutral current deep-inelastic ep scattering (DIS) are presented at the center-of-mass energy of sqrt{s}=319 GeV, and in the kinematic range of the squared four-momentum transfer 150<Q^2<15000 GeV^2 and the inelasticity 0.2<y<0.7. Jets are reconstructed in the Breit frame of reference using the kt-algorithm and are constrained to the pseudorapidity range -1.0<eta<-2.5 in the laboratory rest frame. [...]
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[DESY-2014-01722] Diploma Thesis

Blockcopolymere für Anwendungen als Feststoffelektrolyte in der Energiespeicherung
Technische Universität München, Diplomarbeit, 2013  GO
OpenAccess [DESY-2014-02791] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Unveiling Dark Matter through Gamma Rays: Spectral Features, Spatial Signatures and Astrophysical Backgrounds
University of Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
Although the existence of Dark Matter (DM) is supported by multiple unrelated evidences at different scales, its intimate nature is far from been unveiled by current detection strategies. This thesis focuses on indirect searches of DM Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) through gamma-rays.In order to accurately model the spectral DM distribution, we perform the first fully general calculation of leading electroweak corrections to the annihilation rate of supersymmetric neutralino DM and we demonstrate that these corrections significantly enhance the total photon yield, partially because of contributions that have been overlooked so far. [...]
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[PUBDB-2015-04738] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Caractérisation in situ de l'endommagement volumique par Spectroscopie Raman et rayons X de différents polypropylènes déformés en traction uniaxiale
265 pp. () = Dissertation, Lorraine University, 2013  GO
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[DESY-2014-01423] Master Thesis

Synthese und Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen von niedrigfluorierten Methacrylat-Polymeren
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden, Masterarbeit, 2013  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-25927] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Properties of States of Low Energy on Cosmological Spacetimes
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2013-002] = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
The present thesis investigates properties of a class of physical states of the quantised scalar field in FRW spacetimes, namely the states of low energy (SLE’s). These states are characterised by minimising the time-smeared energy density measured by an isotropic observer, where the smearing is performed with respect to a test function f of compact support. [...]
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[PUBDB-2014-03691] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Aufbau eines hocheffizienten Photoelektron-Photoion-Koinzidenzexperiments
Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
This thesis describes the design, setup and characterization of a highly efficient photoelectron-photoion-coincidence-spectrometer together with first experiments. The spectrometer consists of a combination of a short ion-Time-of-Flightspectrometer and an electron-Time-of-Flight-spectrometer with a magnetic bottle for highly efficient electron detection and is adapted to the needs of the P04-beamline at the storage ring PETRA III at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY). [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00787] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Matter, Dark Matter and Gravitational Waves from a GUT-scale U(1) Phase Transition
Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2013[10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2013-037]  GO
The cosmological realization of the spontaneous breaking of B-L, the difference of baryon and lepton number, can generate the initial conditions for the hot early universe. In particular, we show that entropy, dark matter and a matter-antimatter asymmetry can be produced in accordance with current observations. [...]
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[PUBDB-2015-00279] Bachelor Thesis

Funktionelle und strukturelle Untersuchungenan der Phosphoketolase aus Lactobacillus pentosus
- () = Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Bachelorarbeit, 2013  GO
OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00722] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report

High Transverse Momentum Dijet Cross Section Measurements in Photoproduction at HERA
University of Hamburg, Diss., 2013[10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2013-016]  GO
The measurement of high transverse momentum differential dijet cross sections in photoproductionat HERA in the p center-of-mass energy 101 < Wp < 302 GeV is presented in thisthesis. The data have been recorded with the H1 detector at the HERA collider in e+p modeduring the year 2006, collecting an integrated luminosity of 92:4 pb􀀀1. [...]
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[PHPPUBDB-26447] Master Thesis
Untersuchung der atomaren Struktur von Cu(In,Ga)$S_2$ mittels R\"{o}ntgenabsorptionsspektroskopie
Institut für Festkörperphysik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Masterarbeit, 2013  GO
[PUBDB-2015-00272] Diploma Thesis

Kinetische und Strukturelle Charakterisierung der Doppelvariante C221A/C222A der Pyruvatdecarboxylase aus Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Diplomarbeit, 2013  GO
[PHPPUBDB-25288] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Fragmentation Dynamics of Small Molecules upon Multiple Ionization by X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Pulses
Heidelberg : Heidelberg University xx () = Heidelberg University, Diss., 2013  GO
OpenAccess [DESY-2014-00704] Master Thesis/Internal Report

Measurement of asymmetries in associated DVCS using the HERMES Recoil detector
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Masterarbeit, 2013  GO
Beam spin and beam charge asymmetries in associated electroproduction of real photonsep → eγ∆+ are measured at Hermes using the longitudinally polarized Hera lepton beamand an unpolarized hydrogen target. The asymmetries arise from associated deeply virtualCompton scattering (ADVCS) and its interference with the associated Bethe-Heitler (ABH)process as well as their elastic counterparts where the struck proton remains in the groundstate. [...]
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[DESY-2014-01457] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Synthese und in situ Untersuchungen von anorganisch-organischen Hybridverbindungen auf Basis von Metallphosphonaten und Bismutcarboxylaten
Christian-Albrechts Universität zu Kiel, Diss., 2013  GO
OpenAccess [PUBDB-2018-01447] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Investigations of chiral symmetry breaking and topological aspects of lattice QCD
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I 198 pp. () [10.18452/16890] = Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2013  GO
Die spontane Brechung der chiralen Symmetrie ist ein faszinierendes Phenomän der QCD mit fundamentalen phänomenologischen Implikationen. Die Brechung der chiral Symmetrie ist beispielsweise verantwortlich für die niedrige Masse der Pionen, welche die effektiven Goldstone Boson der spontan gebrochene Symmetrie sind [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00994] Master Thesis

Design of Permanent Magnetic Solenoids for REGAE
Masterarbeit, University of Hamburg, 2013[10.3204/DESY-2013-00994]  GO
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[PUBDB-2017-08693] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Limits of High Harmonic Generation conversion efficiency
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1 - 164 () = Massachusetts Insitute of Technology, Diss., 2013  GO
High Harmonic Generation (HHG) is a fascinating phenomenon from both fundamental and technological point of view. It enables the generation of attosecond pulses and can have applications in EUV lithography and bio-microscopy. [...]
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[DESY-2014-01079] Habil / Postdoctoral Thesis (Non-german Habil)

The Determination of Chemical Concentrations in Nano-scaled Phases by Use of Anomalous Small-Angle X-ray Scattering
Paderborn : Universität Paderborn, Habilitation () = Paderborn, Habil., 2013  GO
OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00831] Master Thesis

Laser-Based Discharge Ignition for Capillary Waveguides
Hamburg : Universität Hamburg () = Universität Hamburg, Masterarbeit, 2013  GO
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OpenAccess [PUBDB-2015-02320] Master Thesis

Ionization Laser Optics Designfor the Generation of Plasma.
60 p. () = Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Masterarbeit, 2013  GO
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[PUBDB-2015-00882] Master Thesis

Acetylendicarboxylate mit ein- und zweiwertigen Kationen– Synthese, Strukturen und Eigenschaften –
University of Cologne, Masterarbeit, 2013  GO
OpenAccess [PUBDB-2015-04795] Master Thesis

Energie- und polarisationssensitiver Nachweis harter Röntgenstrahlung an Hochintensitätslasern
97 p. () = Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (Germany), Masterarbeit, 2014  GO
The present thesis details the extensive calibration and characterization of two CdTe-based semiconductor detectors equipped with Timepix-class readout chips, and presents first results of polarimetric measurements conducted with these sensors. The readout's Time-over-Threshold mode provides a means to measure the energy deposited in each of the 65k sensor pixels, opening the way for a compact and versatile Compton polarimeter for the high-energy X-ray regime that is commonly encountered at, e.g., laser-generated plasmas.Since each pixel features its own dedicated set of conversion electronics, an individual calibration of every pixel is mandatory if the full potential of the energy-sensitive detection mode is to be exploited. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00533] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report

Long-lived neutralinos as probes of gravitino dark matter
Hamburg : Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron () [10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2013-031] = University of Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
Supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model with small R-parity and lepton-number violating couplings are naturally consistent with primordial nucleosynthesis, thermal leptogenesis and gravitino dark matter. We consider both supergravity models with universal boundary conditions at the grand unification scale and a scalar tau or bino-like neutralino as the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP) as well as hybrid gauge-gravity mediation models with a higgsino-like neutralino as the NLSP. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2014-00373] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Supersymmetric QCD Corrections and Phenomenological Studies in Relation to Coannihilation of Dark Matter
Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2013[10.3204/DESY-2014-00373]  GO
In this thesis, we assume a minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM) with conserved R-parity such that the lightest neutralino is the cold dark matter candidate. A stringent constraint on the MSSM parameter space can be set by the comparison of the predicted neutralino relic density with the experimentally determined value. [...]
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[PUBDB-2019-02784] Bachelor Thesis

Wellenlängen-Durchstimmbarkeit des Pr$^{3+}$: BaY$_2$F$_8$ Lasers
1-53 () = Bachelorarbeit, Universität Hamburg, 2013  GO
OpenAccess [DESY-2014-00452] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

3-Loop Contributions to Heavy Flavor Wilson Coefficients of Neutral and Charged Current DIS
DESY () [10.3204/DESY-2014-00452] = Dissertation, Technische Universität Dortmund, 2013  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2014-00779] Report/Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Development of a Hough Transformation Track Finder for Time Projection Chambers
University of Hamburg, Diss., 2013[10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2013-055]  GO
The International Linear Collider (ILC) is a planned particle physics experiment. One of the two detector concepts is the International Large Detector (ILD) concept for which a time projection chamber is foreseen as the main tracking device. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2014-00518] Master Thesis

Application of diamond based beam loss monitors at LHC
Masterarbeit, BTU Cottbus, 2013[10.3204/DESY-2014-00518]  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00188] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

N=2 vacua in electrically gauged N=4 supergravities
94 pp. () [10.3204/DESY-2013-00188] = Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2013  GO
In this thesis we study $N=2$ vacua in gauged $N=4$ supergravitytheories in four-dimensional spacetime. Using the embedding tensorformalism that describes general consistent magnetic gaugings of anungauged $N=4$ matter-coupled supergravity theory in a symplecticframe with $SO(1,1)\times SO(6,n)$ off-shell symmetry we formulatenecessary conditions for partial supersymmetry breaking and find thatthe Killing spinor equations can be solved for the embedding tensor components. [...]
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-25984] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Elastic and Proton Dissociative $\it J/\psi$ Photoproduction at low $\it W_{\gamma p}$ with the H1 Detector at HERA
[DESY-THESIS-2013-004; h1th-796]
Ruperto-Carola Univ. of Heidelberg, Diss., 2013[10.3204/PHPPUBDB-25984]  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00189] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Of Gluons and Gravitons: Exploring Color-Kinematics Duality
xx () [10.3204/DESY-2013-00189] = Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2013  GO
In this thesis color-kinematics duality will be investigated. This duality is a statement aboutthe kinematical dependence of a scattering amplitude in Yang-Mills gauge theories obeyinggroup theoretical relations similar to that of the color gauge group. [...]
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[DESY-2014-02177] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Phasenverhalten von Poly(2-Oxazolinen) in wässriger Lösung
Technische Universität München, Diss., 2013  GO
[DESY-2014-02325] Diploma Thesis

Structural and Biochemical Investigations of Cyclases
Berlin : Free University Berlin () = Free University Berlin, Diplomarbeit, 2013  GO
Diterpenes belong to the versatile group of terpenes. These natural compounds consist of isoprene units and carry a wide variety of functions including anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. [...]
[PUBDB-2016-00199] Bachelor Thesis

The Study of Diffractive ep Interactions at Hadron-Electron Collider
Charles University in Prague 41 pp. () = University of Prague, Bachelorarbeit, 2013  GO
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[DESY-2014-01720] Master Thesis

Systematic investigation on ternary bulk heterojunction solar cells based on PTB7:PC70BM
Technische Universität München, Masterarbeit, 2013  GO
OpenAccess [DESY-2014-00702] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Fragmentation and Nucleon Structure in Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering at the HERMES Experiment
Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2013[10.3204/DESY-2014-00702]  GO
Multiplicities for the semi-inclusive production of each charge state of pi and K mesons in deep-inelastic scattering are presented as a function of the kinematic quantities x , Q 2 , z and P_hperp. The multiplicities were extracted from data collected by the HERMES experiment at the HERA storage ring using 27.6 GeV electron and positron beams on a hydrogen or deuterium gas target. [...]
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-26125] Report/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Quark-gluon plasma in strong magnetic fields
DESY Thesis 150 pp. () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-26125] = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00329] Report/Dissertation / PhD Thesis

A study of charged hadron yields and the multidimensional nuclear attenuation effect at the HERMES experiment
A.I. Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory, Diss., 2013[10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2013-019]  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00863] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Double parton scattering - a tale of two partons
Dissertation, Hamburg University, 2013[10.3204/DESY-2013-00863]  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2014-01635] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

$J/\psi$ production within the framework of nonrelativistic QCD
78 pp. () [10.3204/DESY-2014-01635] = Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2013  GO
We investigate the production of J/Psi from both the color singlet and color octet states ofthe intermediate cc pairs, using the rigorous factorization scheme of NRQCD.We presentthe transverse momentum and rapidity distributions for the associated production ofJ/Psi with an open charm-anticharmc pair at DELPHI, H1, CDF and ATLAS, considering all the direct,single- and double-resolved subprocesses involved. We emphasize on the importanceof considering this process as a part of the NLO studies for J/Psi production. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00568] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report

Rotational Coherence Spectroscopy at FLASH: Toward Dynamic Studies in Nanosuperfluids
University of Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
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[DESY-2014-01262] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Photon induced inner-shell excitation processes of nitrous oxide probed by angle resolved fluorescence and Auger-Electron spectrometry
Kassel : Kassel Univ. Press () = Univ. Kassel, Diss., 2013  GO
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[DESY-2014-03137] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Study of Ni substitution in rare earth cobaltites $(RCoO_{3})$
OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00813] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Differential Top-Quark-Pair Cross Sections in pp Collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7$~TeV with CMS and Charge Multiplication in Highly-Irradiated Silicon Sensors
279 pp. () [10.3204/DESY-2013-00813] = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2013  GO
Modern particle-physics experiments like the ones at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are global and interdisciplinary endeavours comprising a variety of different fields. In this work, two different aspects are dealt with: on the one hand a top-quark physics analysis and on the other hand research and development towards radiation-hard silicon tracking detectors.The high centre-of-mass energy and luminosity at the LHC allow for a detailed investigation of top-quark-pair ($t\bar{t}$) production properties. [...]
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[PUBDB-2017-143405] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Extracting physics from gravitational waves: Testing the strong-field dynamics of general relativity and inferring the large-scale structure of the universe
Amsterdam : NIKHEF 239 pages () = University of Amsterdam, Diss., 2013  GO
In 1915, Albert Einstein introduced the world to the general theory of relativity, or general relativity for short. General relativity describes how mass distorts spacetime and in turn how spacetime dictates how masses flow through it. [...]
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HH   539. 754 Li 1 available Find similar...
OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00534] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Measurement of Charm and Beauty Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA and Test Beam Studies of ATLAS Pixel Sensors
Hamburg : DESY () [10.3204/DESY-2013-00534] = Dissertation, Hamburg University, 2013  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2014-03099] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Recrystallization of deformed copper – kinetics and microstructural evolution
RISOE : DTU Wind Energy () = Technical University of Denmark, Risoe Campus, Diss., 2013  GO
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OpenAccess [PUBDB-2015-00738] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Diffraction Study of Mechanical Properties Andresidual Stresses Resulting from Surface Processing of Polycrystalline Materials
AGH University of Science and Technology & L'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers, ENSAM, ParisTech, Diss., 2013  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2014-00410] Master Thesis

Characterization of the transverse profile of the PITZ photocathode laser
Humboldt-University of Berlin, Masterarbeit, 2013  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00715] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

The Opacity of the Universe for high and very high energy gamma-rays
Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2013[10.3204/DESY-2013-00715]  GO
The flux of high energy (HE, energy $100\,\mathrm{MeV} \lesssim E\lesssim 100\,\mathrm{GeV}$) and very high energy (VHE, $E \gtrsim 100\,\mathrm{GeV}$) $\gamma$-rays originating from cosmological sources is attenuated due to pair production in interactions with photons at ultraviolet to infrared wavelengths of the extragalactic background light (EBL). The main components contributing to the EBL photon density are the starlight integrated over cosmic time and the starlight reprocessed by dust in galaxies. [...]
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OpenAccess [PUBDB-2015-04607] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Investigation of protein structure determination using X-ray free-electron lasers
1-169 () = University of Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
With the advent of fourth generation radiation sources, X-ray free-electron lasers (XFEL’s), several fields of research, including atomic and molecular sciences, matter at extreme conditions, X-ray imaging, obtained a tool that allows the realization of experiments at conditions and time scales previously inaccessible for researchers. Time scales of atomic motions and extreme temperatures and pressures that occur naturally in the cores of the largest stars became available to the researchers disposal. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00180] Book/Master Thesis/Internal Report

Impact of Irradiations by Protons with different Energies on Silicon Sensors
Hamburg : DESY, DESY-THESIS 125 pp. () [10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2013-021] = University of Hamburg, Masterarbeit, 2013  GO
In the frame of the CMS tracker upgrade campaign the radiation damage of oxygen- rich n-type silicon pad diodes induced by 23 MeV and 23 GeV protons was investigated. The diodes were manufactured by Hamamatsu Photonics. [...]
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-25988] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
The Development and Application of the AstroFit Program for Complementary Dark Matter Studies
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-25988] = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
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[DESY-2014-01706] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Novel structuring routines of titania films for application in photovoltaics
Technische Universität München, Diss., 2013  GO
OpenAccess [DESY-2014-00519] Report/Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Characterisation and Application of Radiation Hard Sensors for LHC and ILC
BTU Cottbus, Diss., 2013[10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2013-052]  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-26521] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
New Theoretical Approaches to Atomic and Molecular Dynamics triggered by Ultrashort Light Pulses on the Atto- to Picosecond Time Scale
DESY Thesis () = Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
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[PUBDB-2017-148693] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Development of Sb-121 nuclear forward scattering and high pressure applications
Aachen : Shaker, Berichte aus der Physik 106 pages () = University of Köln, Diss., 2013  GO
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OpenAccess [PUBDB-2018-01450] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Non-perturbative investigation of current correlators in twisted mass lattice QCD
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I 209 pp. () [10.18452/16770] = Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2013  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-01150] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

The Finsler spacetime framework: backgrounds for physics beyond metric geometry
Hamburg () [10.3204/DESY-2013-01150] = Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2013  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-01153] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

QCD Analysis of Neutral and Charged Current Cross Sections and Search for Contact Interactions at HERA
Dissertation, Univ. Heidelberg, 2013[10.3204/DESY-2013-01153]  GO
A QCD analysis of the inclusive deep inelastic $\it ep$ scattering cross section measured by the H1 experiment at HERA is presented. The data correspond to a total integrated luminosity of about $0.5fb^{−1}$ and covers a kinematic range of $0.5GeV^{2}$ − $30000GeV^{2}$ in the negative four-momentum transfer $\it Q^{2}$ and $3·10^{−5}$ − 0.65 in Bjorken x. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00229] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Charge Losses in Silicon Sensors and Electric-Field Studies at the Si-SiO2 Interface
129 pp. () [10.3204/DESY-2013-00229] = Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2013  GO
Electric fields and charge losses in silicon sensors before and after irradiation with xrays,protons, neutrons or mixed irradiation are studied in charge-collection measurements.Electron-hole pairs (eh pairs) are generated at different positions in the sensor using sub-nspulsed laser light of different wavelengths. Light of 1063 nm, 830 nm and 660 nm wavelengthis used to generate eh pairs along the whole sensor depth, a few m below the surface andvery close to the surface, respectively.Segmented p+n silicon strip sensors are used to study the electric field below the SiO2separating the strip implants. [...]
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[PUBDB-2014-04431] Master Thesis

ATLAS silicon detector upgrade: process optimisation and adhesive studies
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Masterarbeit, 2013  GO
This thesis is concerned with optimisation approaches for the construction of sili-con strip detector modules for the Phase-II upgrade of the ATLAS detector. Thefocus lies on methods to improve wire bonding processes and gluing read-out chipsand circuit board [...]
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[PUBDB-2017-144919] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Theory of the quantum free-electron laser
Muenchen : Hut : 1. Auflage, 145 pages () = University of Ulm, Diss., 2013  GO
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[DESY-2014-01719] Master Thesis

Structure and Function of Nanoparticle-Based Hybrid Solar Cells
Technische Universität München, Masterarbeit, 2013  GO
OpenAccess [PUBDB-2017-11583] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
; ; ; et al
Observations and modeling of the active galactic nucleus B2 1215+30 together with performance studies of the ground-based gamma-ray observatories VERITAS and CTA
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I 157 pp. () [10.18452/16844] = Humboldt Universität, Dissertation, 2013  GO
Ground-based gamma-ray astronomy, which provides access to photons in the TeV energy range, has been a rapidly developing discipline over the past decades. In this thesis, the performance of the current- and next-generation imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes VERITAS and CTA is evaluated using Monte Carlo simulations. [...]
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[DESY-2014-01163] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report

Investigation of structural changes in cathode materials for rechargeable Li-ion batteries by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
[HZB–B 44]
Berlin : Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energy () [10.5442/D0038] = Technische Universität Berlin, Diss., 2013  GO
[DESY-2014-01705] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Structuring and filling of titania films for applications in photovoltaics
Technische Universität München, Diss., 2013  GO
[DESY-2014-01458] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Synthese und Eigenschaften poröser metall-organischer Gerüstverbindungen basierend auf dreiwertigen Kationen
Christian-Albrechts Universität zu Kiel, Diss., 2013  GO
[PUBDB-2014-04195] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Lipid Bilayers : Time Resolved X-Ray Scattering at In-House and Synchrotron Sources
Göttingen : Univ.-Verl. Göttingen, Göttingen series in x-ray physics () = Univ. Göttingen, Diss., 2013  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00472] Bachelor Thesis

High-Pressure Modifications of Silicon
Freiburg () = Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Bachelorarbeit, 2013  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2014-01191] Bachelor Thesis

High-pressure modifications of silicon
Kristallographie, Universität Freiburg, Bachelorarbeit, 2013  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00303] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Vacua and Inflation in String Theory and Supergravity
130 pp. () [10.3204/DESY-2013-00303] = Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2013  GO
We study the connection between the early and late accelerated expansion of the universe and string theory. In Part I of this thesis, the observational degeneracy between single field models of inflation with canonical kinetic terms and non-canonical kinetic terms, in particular string theory inspired models, is discussed. [...]
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-26222] Diploma Thesis/Internal Report
Gravitational Waves as Cosmological Probes for New Physics between the Electroweak and the Grand-Unification Scale
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-26222] = Univ. Hamburg, Diplomarbeit, 2013  GO
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[PUBDB-2015-00278] Bachelor Thesis

Funktionelle und strukturelle Charakterisierung von Phosphoketolase aus Lactobacillus plantarum
- () = Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Bachelorarbeit, 2013  GO
OpenAccess [DESY-2014-02383] Bachelor Thesis

THz coupler design for electron accelerators
Universität Oldenburg, Bachelorarbeit, 2013  GO
Elektromagnetische Strahlung im THz Bereich war bis vor einigen Jahren ein nur schwer zugänglicher Frequenzbereich. Im Übergang von der Mikrowellenstrahlung zu dem optischen Bereich mangelte es an ver- fügbaren Strahlungsquellen der Frequenz 0, 1 bis 10 THz. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-01131] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

The Event-Mixing Technique for Modeling the tt Background in a Search for Supersymmetry in the Di-Lepton Channel
Hamburg : DESY () [10.3204/DESY-2013-01131] = Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2013  GO
In this thesis a search for Supersymmetry in the opposite-sign same-flavor di-lepton channel is presented. Data recorded by the CMS detector at the LHC accelerator corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 12.2 $fb^{-1}$ at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV is analyzed. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00828] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Study of Quality and Field Limitation of Superconducting 1.3 GHz 9-Cell RF-Cavities at DESY
Hamburg : DESY () [10.3204/DESY-THESIS-13-001] = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2013  GO
Zusammenfassung:Der European XFEL und der International Linear Collider basieren auf supraleitendenHochfrequenz-Beschleunigungsstrukturen aus Niob, die im Betrieb nur sehrgeringe Verlustleistungen aufweisen. Diese Kavitäten erlauben eine hohe relativeEinschaltdauer und eine große Öffnung für den Teilchenstrahl zur Vermeidung vonan den Wänden induzierten Feldern bei Beschleunigern mit hohem Strahlstrom. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00772] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report

Time-resolved studies at PETRA III with a highly repetitive synchronized laser system
Hamburg () = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2014-01655] Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Design of the Extraction Arc for the 2nd Beam Line of the Free-Electron Laser FLASH
Hamburg : Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, DESY-THESIS 127 pp. () [10.3204/DESY-2014-01655] = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2013  GO
In this thesis, I will deal with the design of the extraction arc for the second beam line of FLASH, an FEL (Free-Electron Laser) user facility at DESY Hamburg. Both beam lines will use the same linear accelerator and their separation will take place behind the last accelerating module. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00873] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report

Extreme Ultraviolet Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Pure and Core-Shell Rare Gas Clusters at FLASH
Hamburg : Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron () = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
The interaction of rare gas clusters with short-wavelength radiation of free-electron lasers (FELs) has been studied extensively over the last decade by means of electron and ion time-of-flight spectroscopy. This thesis describes the design and construction of a fluorescence spectrometer for the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) spectral range and discusses the cluster experiments per- formed at FLASH, the Free-electron LASer in Hamburg. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00751] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report

High Energy High Repetition-Rate Thin-Disk Amplifier for OPCPA Pumping
Hamburg : DESY () = University of Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
The development of a pump laser system for a high power and high repetition rate optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) is presented in this thesis. The OPCPA system requires pump pulse energies in the range of tens of millijoules at high repetition rates with sub-picosecond pulse durations [...]
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[PHPPUBDB-26202] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Processes of structural defect creation in pure and doped MgO and NaCl single crystals under condition of low or super high density of electronic excitations
Tartu : University of Tartu PRESS () = University of Tartu, Diss., 2013  GO
[DESY-2014-01613] Master Thesis

Luminescence spectroscopy of complex zirconium oxide compounds
Glukhiv () = Oleksandr Dovzhenko Glukhiv National Pedagogical University, Masterarbeit, 2013  GO
OpenAccess [PUBDB-2015-02530] Report/Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Coherence Properties of Third and Fourth Generation X-Ray Sources. Theory and Experiment
154 pp. () [10.3204/PUBDB-2015-02530] = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2012  GO
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[PUBDB-2015-00280] Bachelor Thesis

Funktionelle und strukturelle Charakterisierung von Phosphoketolase aus Lactobacillus pentosus
- () = Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Bachelorarbeit, 2013  GO
[PUBDB-2014-03955] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Poszukiwanie instantonów QCD w oddziaływaniach głęboko nieelastycznych w eksperymencie H1. Searches for QCD Instantons in Deep Inelastic Scattering with the H1 Experiment
Cracow () = University PAN of Cracow, Diss., 2013  GO
Signals of QCD instanton-induced events processes are searched for in deep-inelastic scattering(DIS) at the electron-proton collider HERA in the kinematic region defined by the inelasticity 0.2 < y < 0.7 and the photon virtuality 150 < Q² < 15000 GeV². The search is performed using H1 data collected in 2003-2007 corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 357,8$pb^{-1}$. [...]
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[DESY-2014-00703] Master Thesis/Internal Report

Analysis of Resonant Structures in the $pK_Sˆ0$-channel at HERMES
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Masterarbeit, 2013  GO
[DESY-2014-01631] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Untersuchung der Diamant-Metall-Grenzfläche in Diamantverbundwerkstoffen
Dortmund : Tu Dortmund 137 pp. () = Dissertation, TU Dortmund, 2013  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-25147] Bachelor Thesis
Morphology Studies of the Pulsar Wind Nebula HESS J1825-137 in the Very High Energy regime with H. E. S. S.
Universität Potsdam, Bachelorarbeit, 2013  GO
OpenAccess [DESY-2014-01204] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report

Controlled Molecules for X-ray Diffraction Experiments at Free-Electron Lasers
DESY : DESY 192 p. () = University of Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
X-ray diffractive imaging is at the very heart of materials science and has been utilized fordecades to solve unknown molecular structures. Nowadays, it serves as the key method ofstructural biology to solve molecular structures of large biological molecules comprisingseveral thousand or even millions of atoms. [...]
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[PUBDB-2014-03863] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

The Crystal Structure of the Malaria Pigment Hemozoin as Elucidated by X-ray Powder Diffraction
University of Copenhagen, Diss., 2013  GO
[PHPPUBDB-26425] Master Thesis
Messung von Kristallitgroessenverteilungen ueber Einzelreflexe in Debye-Scherrer-Ringen: Eis Ih
Universität Göttingen, Masterarbeit, 2013  GO
[PHPPUBDB-26390] Master Thesis
Evaluation of Fe/MgO Nanoparticles for Arsenic Removal
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Masterarbeit, 2013  GO
OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00111] Master Thesis

Timing Distribution with Femtosecond Modelocked Lasers
L'Aquila, Hamburg () = University of L'Aquila, Masterarbeit, 2013  GO
In this thesis, a timing distribution system for large facilities, like Free-Electron-Lasers, is studied.The first part of the thesis is an introduction to the working principles of Free Electron Lasers. The most promising features are shown, as well as the major challenges one has to overcome in order to boost their performance [...]
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-26453] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Thermal Evolution and Small Scale Structure of Sommerfeld Enhanced Dark Matter
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-26453] = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00981] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report

Transverse phase space studies with the new CDS booster cavity at PITZ
Hamburg : DESY, DESY-THESIS () [10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2013-043] = University of Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
Light is one of the main tools for the investigation of natural phenomena. Light produced with the help of synchrotron machines serves to investigate many phenomena in natural sciences for many years. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-01124] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Production of the Excited Charm Mesons D_1 and D*_2 at HERA
Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2013[10.3204/DESY-2013-01124]  GO
AbstractThe production of the excited charm mesons D1, D∗2 and D+s1 in ep collisionshas been measured with the Zeus detector at Hera. The data sample takenby the Zeus detector in the years 2003-2007, corresponding to an integratedluminosity of 373 pb−1 has been used. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2014-00232] Bachelor Thesis

Aufbau und Test einer Röntgenkamera zur Emittanzmessung an der Synchrotronstrahlungsquelle PETRA III bei DESY
Technische Hochschule Wildau [FH], Bachelorarbeit, 2013  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2014-01250] Bachelor Thesis

Light Emission of an Ion Getter Pump in connection with the ALPS-II Experiment
FH Jena, Bachelorarbeit, 2013  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00471] Bachelor Thesis

Entwicklung und Konstruktion einer dynamischen Diamantstempelzelle.
Hamburg () = Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg, Bachelorarbeit, 2013  GO
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[PUBDB-2017-08699] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
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Compact laser-driven electron acceleration, bunch compression and coherent nonlinear Thomson scattering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1 - 195 () = Massachusetts Insitute of Technology, Diss., 2013  GO
Coherent hard x-rays have many medical, commercial and academic research applications. To facilitate the design of a table-top coherent hard x-ray source, this thesis studies the linear acceleration of electrons by optical lasers in unbounded vacuum, the linear acceleration and compression of electron bunches by coherent terahertz pulses in cylindrical waveguides, and the generation of coherent hard x-ray radiation by nonlinear Thomson scattering of compressed electron bunches. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-01493] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

A Search for Gamma-ray Imprints of Annihilating Dark Matter in the Galaxy, and the Astrophysical Implications of Ultra-light Fundamental Vector Bosons
Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2013[10.3204/DESY-2013-01493]  GO
Standard Model extensions imply new elementary particles that can lead to specific astrophysical signatures. In particular, weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) can constitute the unknown non-luminous cold dark matter, which contributes approximately 84% to the matter content of the Universe. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2014-01831] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report

Untersuchungen zu einem Freie-Elektronen-Laser-Oszillator fuer den European XFEL
DESY : DESY, DESY-Report () = University of Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2014-02322] Report/Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Femtosecond Structural Dynamics on the Atomic Length Scale
126 pp. () = Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2013  GO
This thesis reports on the development and application of two different but complementary ultrafast electron diffraction setups built at the Max Planck Research Department for Structural Dynamics. One is an ultra-compact femtosecond electron diffraction (FED) setup (Egun300), which is currently operational (with a maximum electron energy of 150 keV) and provides ultrashort (~300 fs) and bright (~10 e/um^(2)) electron bunches. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00115] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report

X-ray Radiation Damage Studies and Design of a Silicon Pixel Sensor for Science at the XFEL
Hamburg : DESY 209 pp. () = University of Hamburg, Diss., 2013  GO
Experiments at the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) require silicon pixel sensors which can withstand X-ray doses up to 1 GGy. For the investigation of X-ray radiation damage up to these high doses, MOS capacitors and gate-controlled diodes built on high resistivity n-doped silicon with crystal orientations <100> and <111> produced by four vendors, CiS, Hamamatsu, Canberra and Sintef, have been irradiated with 12 keV X-rays at the DESY DORIS III synchrotron-light source. [...]
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-25790] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Beam Position Diagnostics with Higher Order Modes in Third Harmonic Superconducting Accelerating Cavities
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-25790] = University of Manchester, Diss., 2013  GO
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