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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Bazrafshan, R. ; Kärtner, F. ; Floettmann, K.
Compact Pin-Cathode S-band Gun
S-band RF-guns are highly developed for producing low emittance relativistic electron bunches, but require powerful klystrons for driving. Here, I present the design and first experimental tests of a compact S-band gun that is capable of accelerating electrons up to 180 keV powered by only 10 kW peak power using a compact rack-mountable solid-state amplifier. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Brehm, W. ; Chapman, H. N.
A Holistic Approach to Structural Dynamics Using Serial Crystallography
The crystallographic data processing is investigated with the goal of extracting more structural information from serial crysallographic experiments. Systematic errors resulting from uncontrollable aspects in the experimental setup were reduced in several places, but most significantly by modelling the expected intensity of partially observed intensities using Gaussian basis functions to improve merging. [...]
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
De Silva, M. ; Sefkow, F.
SiPM-on-Tile Modules for the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter
Heidelberg University Library 196 pp. (2023)2023 = Dissertation, Heidelberg University, 2023
For the HL-LHC phase, the calorimeter end-cap of the CMS detector will be upgraded with a High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) with increased transverse and longitudinal granularity to cope with the expected pileup and radiation. In regions where radiation levels allow, the hadronic calorimeter will use scintillator tiles coupled to silicon photomultipliers (SiPM-on-tiles) as active materials. [...]
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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Di, M. ; Carlsson, P.-A.
CO Oxidation over Oxide Supported Platinum Catalysts
Dissertations at Chalmers University of Technology 68 pp. (2023)2023 = Dissertation, Chalmers University of Technology, 2023
Catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide (CO) is one of the most studied reactions that still needs to be improved because of its practical use in the chemical industry including feedstock purification and applications such as emission control, in-door air cleaning, improvement of fuel cell efficiency, etc. Concerning CO emissions, the transportation sector is a large contributor. [...]
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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Diederichs, S. ; Osterhoff, J. ; Hillert, W. ; et al
Positron acceleration in a plasma column
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, DESY-THESIS 157 pp. (2023) [10.3204/PUBDB-2023-04797]2023 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2023
The particle physics community has expressed significant interest in a 10 TeV-class electron-positron collider to advance our understanding of matter. However, the costs associated with such a collider usingconventional radio-frequency technology seem to be prohibitive. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-23-011 -
Severin Diederichs PhD Thesis 2023 -
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Eichner, T. ; Maier, A. ; Kärtner, F.
Improved Pulse Characteristics and Power Scaling of Drive Lasers for Laser-Wakefield Acceleration
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, DESY-THESIS 192 pp. (2023) [10.3204/PUBDB-2023-06337]2023 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2023
Laser-wakefield acceleration (LWFA) is a promising, emerging technology for future accelerator-based X-ray light sources, which are essential tools in various fields of science, industry and medicine. In laser-wakefield acceleration, an intense laser pulse drives a plasma wave that supports high accelerating field gradients. [...]
OpenAccess: thesis -
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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Engel, R. ; Beye, M. ; Huse, N.
From Linear to Non-Linear X-ray Spectroscopy on Materials using SASE-FELs
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, DESY-THESIS 193 pp. (2023) [10.3204/PUBDB-2023-01185]2023 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2023
The key feature of X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFELs) is their capability to generate ultrashort and at least partially coherent X-ray pulses with extreme intensity. This capability holds the promise to revolutionize X-ray physics in a way similar to how lasers have revolutionized optics, as the non-linear and coherent interactions known from theoptical regime combined with the properties of X-ray radiation could enable techniques with unprecedented analyzing power. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-23-004.title -
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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Fabry, F. ; Diehl, M. ; Moch, S.-O.
Double parton scattering: parton correlations and their scale evolution
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, DESY-THESIS 183 pp. (2023) [10.3204/PUBDB-2023-06408]2023 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2023
Double parton scattering (DPS) describes a process in hadron-hadron scattering in which two partons are extracted from each initial hadron and then initiate hard scattering processes separated by a finite distance. After factorising the hadronic process, one obtains parton distributions functions that characterise the behaviour of partons inside the hadron at non-perturbative scales. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-23-016.title -
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Habedank, M. ; Pani, P. ; Berge, D. ; et al
Leaving No Matter Unturned
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 313 pp. (2023) [10.18452/28362]2023 = Dissertation, Humboldt University of Berlin, 2023
Various astrophysical observations point towards an as-of-yet unexplained, mainly gravitationally interacting type of matter. If this matter, called Dark Matter, is an elementary particle, it could be produced in particle collisions at the Large Hadron Collider [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Hallford, J. A. ; Wing, M.
Magnetic Spectroscopy with Scintillation Detectors at the LUXE Experiment
London : UCL Discovery 198 pp. (2023)2023 = Dissertation, University College London, 2023
The success of the physical model of quantum electrodynamics relies on the use of a small perturbation above a quantum vacuum solution. In the physically possible case of a strong electric field, defined as being near or greater than the Schwinger limit, the assumption underlying this perturbation theory approach becomes unviable. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Ivanov, N. ; Bajt, S. ; Chapman, H. N.
X-ray imaging with high numerical aperture X-ray optics
The advent of highly brilliant synchrotron X-ray sources and the development of X-ray optics offer new capabilities to examine materials with high photon energy X-rays that can offer nano-scale resolution. This thesis aims to explore new ways to study nano-structured samples by employing state-of-the-art high numerical aperture multilayer Laue lenses (MLLs) fabricated in our group. [...]
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Jaster-Merz, S. M. ; Hillert, W. ; Burkart, F. ; et al
High-dimensional and ultra-sensitive diagnostics for electron beams
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 207 pp. (2023) [10.3204/PUBDB-2023-07359]2023 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2023
Detailed knowledge about particle beam properties is of great importance to understand and push the performance of existing and next generation particle accelerators.In this thesis, two novel contributions to the characterization of charged particle beams are presented.First, a new phase space tomography method is proposed and experimentally demonstrated.It provides the tomographic reconstruction of the full five-dimensional phase space of the particle beam, i.e., the charge density distribution in all spatial directions and the two transverse momenta. This is done by combining a quadrupole-based transverse phase-space tomography with the streaking of the beam at various angles using a PolariX transverse deflection structure.Detailed simulations show the ability of the method to reconstruct various complex phase-space distributions and its applicability to highly non-Gaussian beams. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-23-022.title -
High-dimensional_and_ultra-sensitive_diagnostics_for_electron_beams_Jaster-Merz-2 -
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Kroh, T. ; Kärtner, F. ; Matlis, N.
A compact THz-driven electron gun
Novel all-optical terahertz (THz)-based accelerators promise to enable new science by providing ultrafast and bright electron bunches at a small footprint. While practical prototypes of THz-based devices have been demonstrated and have shown exceptional capabilities to accelerate and manipulate electron beams on sub-ps timescales, the development of practical THz-driven photoguns has lagged behind due to challenges associated with physical miniaturization and the high THz pulse energy required. [...]
Published on 2023-08-10. Available in OpenAccess from 2024-08-10.:
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Krueger, D. ; Willumeit-Römer, R. ; Mueller, M.
Ex Vivo and In Vitro Investigation of Biodegradable Magnesium-Gadolinium Implants
172 pp. (2023)2023 = Dissertation, Kiel University, 2023
Biodegradable magnesium-based implants are playing an increasingly important role in the area of orthopaedic implants as they eliminate the need for a second surgery to remove the implant, consequently reducing the chance of patients’ harm as well as the financial burden. There is a need for degradable magnesium-based implants to be fully characterized in terms of microstructure, corrosion performance in vitro and in vivo due to the implants’ performance differences in these different environments.Two magnesium gadolinium alloys (Mg-5 weight % Gd and Mg-10 weight % Gd) in the shape of M2 screws have been investigated with regards to their microstructure and their degradation performance over 1 - 56 days period in vitrovia both weight loss and volume loss measurements. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Lenoci, A. ; Servant, G. ; Kim, H.
Gravitational Signatures of Wave Dark Matter
This thesis explores wave dark matter and its intriguing phenomenological implications, namely the presence of wave-like signatures on astrophysical length scales.Specifically, we assume the dark matter is composed of light bosons with masses below 10 eV, allowing, due to the high phase space occupation number, for a classical wave description. We develop a formalism to describe the wave dark matter’s response to gravity, accounting for the statistical properties of the field.Our first subject of investigation is the behavior of the wave dark matter in the Solar system. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Li, C. ; Moortgat-Pick, G.
Phenomenology of extended Two-Higgs-Doublets models
We study the different extensions of the Two-Higgs-Doublets model (2HDM), including singlet extensions and CP-violating models. We analyse the complex singlet extension of the 2HDM with the NMSSM like $\mathbb{Z}_3$ symmetry (2HDMS), and derive the boundedness from below and perturbative unitarity bounds for the 2HDMS. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Malek Mohamadi Faradonbeh, S. ; Kärtner, F. ; Pergament, M.
Ultrafast, high repetition rate, high-power Yb-doped fiber laser systems
Fiber lasers were proposed shortly after the invention of the first laser [1,2] and identified as potential candidates for numerous industrial and scientific applications [3,4]. There are a number of unique features that differ fiber lasers from other laser technologies and lead to superior overall performance, such as better thermal management due to the large surface-to-volume ratio, excellent beam quality, higher wall-plug efficiencies, lower cost, and a smaller footprint compared to solid state lasers. [...]
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Mayer, D. ; Guehr, M.
Time-resolved x-ray spectroscopy of 2-thiouracil
In this thesis, I present my contributions to the field of ultrafast molecular spectroscopy. Using the molecule 2-thiouracil as an example, I use ultrashort x-ray pulses from free- electron lasers to study the relaxation dynamics of gas-phase molecular samples. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Novikov, I. ; Tackmann, F. ; Servant, G.
Precision theory predictions and interpretation of differential distributions in inclusive decays at Belle II
This PhD thesis presents improved theoretical predictions for fully-differential decay rates of inclusive $B\to X_s\gamma$ and $B\to X_ul\bar{\nu}$ decays.The improved predictions for the $B\to X_s\gamma$ photon energy spectrum include all the known singular contributionsat $\mathrm{N^3LO}$, with the exception of one yet-unknown 3-loop hard function coefficient.In the endpoint region of the spectrum all the singular contributions are resummed at the $\mathrm{N^3LL}$ accuracy.The remaining, nonsingular contributions are included at $\mathrm{NNLO}$.To combine the singular contributions at $\mathrm{N^3LO}$ with the nonsingular contributions at $\mathrm{NNLO}$,the yet-unknown 3-loop nonsingular contributions are parametrized in terms of nuisance parameters.The used parametrization avoids the artifactsthat arise due to the mismatch of perturbative order of singular and nonsingular contributions.The missing 3-loop hard function coefficient is also treated as a nuisance parameter.The uncertainty related to these missing corrections is estimated and compared to the perturbative truncation uncertainty.The impact of different definitions of the $b$-quark mass on the convergence of the perturbative series is studied.The $\mathrm{1S}$ mass scheme, which has been used for $B\to X_s\gamma$ in the past, is demonstrated to break down starting at $\mathrm{N^3LO}$.In contrast, the MSR mass scheme is shown to yield much more stable results.The convergence is further improved by an appropriate choice of short-distance definitions of the hadronic parameters $\lambda_1$ and $\rho_1$.In the context of these short-distance mass corrections, a novel kind of correction, which first appears at $\mathrm{N^3LO}$, is identified.This correction is formally subleading in the power counting of Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET), but is nevertheless singular in the peak region of the spectrum.Therefore, it cannot be naively accounted for within the previously-used approach.A prescription for the resummation of such terms is developed.Additionally, the impact of a different treatment of higher-order cross-terms in the factorization theorem is studied.The improved $B\to X_ul\bar{\nu}$ predictions include all singular contributions at $\mathrm{NNLO}$,and the nonsingular corrections are included at $\mathrm{NLO}$.In the endpoint region the singular contributions are resummed at $\mathrm{N^3LL}$ accuracy.The resummed and fixed-order results are combined using a matching procedure that avoids artificial singularitiesand yields meaningful results in all regions of the phasespace, with the exception of the deep resonance region,where the inclusive approach is not applicable.The theoretical predictions are compared to the recently published measurements of differential $B\to X_ul\bar{\nu}$ spectra by the Belle collaboration.The agreement is adequate for the used inclusive model, and the differences are discussed..
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Ossig, C. S. ; Schroer, C. ; Stückelberger, M.
Multi-Modal Scanning X-Ray Microscopy for Solar Cell Characterization
Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, Carl von Ossietzky 166 pages: Illustrations, figures (2023) [10.3204/PUBDB-2023-06262]2023 = Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2022
Thin-film photovoltaic devices are used to harvest solar energy. To be economically competitive, three aspects are particularly challenging, which we addressed in this work: cost efficiency, defect passivation, and spatial homogeneity. [...]
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Ribeiro Lopes, B. ; Jafari, A. ; Gallo-Voss, E.
Differential ratio measurements of $\mathrm{t\bar{t}\gamma}\,/\,\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$ and a search for exclusive $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$ with the CMS experiment
[CERN-THESIS-2023-256; DESY-THESIS-2023-019]
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, DESY-THESIS 207 pp. (2023) [10.3204/PUBDB-2023-07215]2023 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2023
In this thesis, measurements performed using proton-proton collision data at $\sqrt{s} = 13$TeV collected by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC, in the years 2016, 2017, and 2018, are presented. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 138$~\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$.New results on top quark pair production in association with a photon ($\mathrm{t\bar{t}\gamma}$) are presented. [...]
OpenAccess: Thesis_BeatrizLopes -
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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Ritzkowsky, F. ; Kärtner, F. ; Küpper, J.
Electronics at Optical Frequencies
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches-Elektronen Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 146 pp. (2023) [10.3204/PUBDB-2023-06679]2023 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2023
With the advent of ultrafast optics and controllable waveforms consisting of only a few oscillations of the electric field, the idea of controlling electrons at the frequency of light was born. This established the potential of using a controlled optical waveform to switch electronic circuit elements at the frequency of an optical wave, typically on the order of 0.1 to 1 petahertz(1015 Hz). [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-23-018.title -
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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Saleh, Y. ; Küpper, J. ; Iske, A. ; et al
Spectral and active learning for enhanced and computationally scalable quantum molecular dynamics
Elektronische Dissertationen und Habilitationen 178 pp. (2023) [10.3204/PUBDB-2023-03873]2023 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2023
Major problems in quantum molecular physics, such as quantum modeling of chemical dynamics and studying atmospheres of hot exoplanets, pose prohibitive computational challenges that are at the forefront of research efforts in numerical analysis and scientific computing. In particular, it is often required in these applications to approximate a vast number of highly-oscillatory solutions of infinite-dimensional eigenvalue problems and evolution equations in very high dimensions. [...]
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Scheiba, F. ; Kärtner, F. ; Drescher, M.
Strong-Field Physics with a High Energy Waveform Synthesizer
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, DESY-THESIS 154 pp. (2023) [10.3204/PUBDB-2023-03015]2023 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2023
The motivation to control and temporarily isolate a single quantum mechanical event like an electronic transition has driven the quest for ever shorter light pulses. Controlling a highly intense electric field in the visible to infrared wavelength range on a sub-cycle time scale becomes feasible with the concept of the parametric waveform synthesizer. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-23-008.title -
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Bachelor Thesis
Schmidt, F.
Geant4-Simulation zur Dosimetrie von Elektronenstrahlung in Wasser
39 pp. (2023)2023 = Bachelorarbeit, Postdam, 2023
Bei der Bestrahlung von Tumoren findet unter anderem Elektronenstrahlung Anwendung.Ein noch weitgehend unerforschter und vielversprechender Effekt ist der sogenannteFLASH-Effekt, bei welchem eine kurzzeitige und hochdosierte Bestrahlung zu wenigerSch¨aden am gesunden Gewebe f¨uhrt als eine l¨anger dauerende mit niedriger Dosis. Umden optimalen Parameterbereich f¨ur diese Bestrahlungsart zu ermitteln, entsteht am DeutschenElektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) in Zeuthen ein Forschungsbereich zur Dosimetrievon Elektronenstrahlung in biologischem Gewebe. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Trost, F. ; Moshammer, R. ; Quint, W.
Time-resolved Fragmentation of Diiodomethane studied in an XUV Pump-Probe Experiment
Heidelberg University Library 124 pp. (2023)2023 = Dissertation, University of Heidelberg, 2023
The dissociation dynamics of diiodomethane molecules (CH2I2) have been investigated in a 97.6 eV XUV-pump XUV-probe measurement at the reaction microscope endstation at the free-electron laser FLASH2. Ionic fragments created by 4d inner-valence ionisation followed by Auger decay have been detected in coincidence, enabling a kinematically complete reconstruction of the dissociation pathways [...]
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Wuchterl, S. ; Lipka, K. ; Moch, S.-O.
Top quark pole mass from $\text{t}\overline{\text{t}}\text{+jet}$ using a machine learning based reconstruction for $\text{t}\overline{\text{t}}$ kinematics
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, DESY-THESIS 179 pp. (2023) [10.3204/PUBDB-2023-00853]2023 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2023
In this thesis, a measurement of the top quark mass as defined in the on-shell renormalization scheme, also known as pole-mass $m_\text{t}^\text{pole}$, is presented.The analysis is performed using events where a top quark-antiquark pair ($\text{t}\overline{\text{t}}$) is produced in association with at least one additional jet ($\text{t}\overline{\text{t}}\text{+jet}$) in proton-proton collisions at the CERN LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The data are recorded by the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment in 2016, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 36.3${\,\text{fb}^\text{-1}}$.Events with two opposite-sign leptons in the final state ($\text{e}^{+}\text{e}^{-}$, $\mathrm{\mu}^{+}\mathrm{\mu}^{-}$, $\text{e}^{\pm}\mathrm{\mu}^{\mp}$) are analyzed.The $\text{t}\overline{\text{t}}\text{+jet}$ production cross section is measured as a function of the inverse of the invariant mass of the $\text{t}\overline{\text{t}}\text{+jet}$ system, $\rho=340\,\text{GeV}/m_{\text{t}\overline{\text{t}}\text{+jet}}$.A novel analysis technique based on machine learning is developed for the reconstruction of the main observable and for the event classification.The measurement is unfolded to the parton level and is compared to the theoretical prediction at next-to-leading order, using the dynamic renormalization and factorization scales.The theoretical predictions are obtained by using two alternative sets of parton distribution functions (PDFs). [...]
OpenAccess: SebastianWuchterl_Dissertation -
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