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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Anielski, D. ; Küpper, J. ; Rolles, D.
Untersuchung der Photoelektronen-Winkelverteilungen von ausgerichteten Molekülen in der Gasphase
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 206 pp. (2020) [10.3204/PUBDB-2020-02797]2020 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2020
This work investigates if and how photoelectron diffraction might become a suitable tool to measure structural changes of small molecules in the gas-phase with femtosecond temporal and angstrom spatial resolution. Molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions (MFPAD) of O(1$s$)-, S(2$p$)- and F(1$s$)-electrons from carbonyl sulfide and fluoromethane molecules have been measured in photoelectron-photoion coincidence experiments at the synchrotron radiation sources DORIS and PETRA III (kinetic energy of photoelectrons: 16 eV < E$_{\mathrm{PE}}$ < 283 eV). [...]
OpenAccess: Dissertation Denis Anielski final -
PDF (PDFA) (additional files);
desy-thesis-20-018.title -
PDF (PDFA) (additional files);
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Bekx, J. ; Santra, R. ; Ziaja, B.
Towards modeling of electron-impact ionization in warm dense matter
The unique properties of x-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs), such as their immense brilliance, ultrashort pulse duration, and high photon energies, make XFELs an incredibly useful tool in a plethora of different scientific fields. Their applications include unique imaging techniques used in struc- tural biology and bio-engineering, the study of new effects in nanophysics, and the creation and probing of exotic states of matter used to investigate astrophysical objects and phenomena. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Cao, Q. ; Chang, G. ; Kärtner, F.
Novel ultrafast fiber laser sources utilizing fiber nonlinearities
Due to the lack of proper active gain media, mid-IR frequency combs in the molecular “fingerprint” region are normally implemented by difference frequency generation (DFG) process inside nonlinear crystals. In addition to granting an access to the long-wave (>10 μm) side of the mid-IR spectrum, DFG also offers a wide wavelength tunability, a high-repetition-rate (HRR) operation (>10 MHz), and a passive cancelation of the carrier-envelope phase offset, all of which enable a simplified experimental configuration for constructing mid-IR frequency combs.Currently, DFG-based mid-IR frequency combs especially at wavelengths beyond 10 μm suffer from insufficient available power, mainly caused by un-optimized wavelength-shifting processes and an inefficient parametric interaction of the DFG process. [...]
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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Carstensen, J. P. ; Pomoni, E. ; Moch, S.-O.
Integrability in N = 1 Gauge Theories
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 139 pp. (2020) [10.3204/PUBDB-2020-01501]2020 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2020
In this thesis we investigate two questions that shed new light on fundamentalproperties of supersymmetric gauge theories.Our first topic deals with the question, which implications results for N = 4 Super-Yang-Mills have on theories with less symmetry. Specifically we conjecture that thedilatation operator in the SU(2, 1|1) sector of any N = 1 superconformal gauge theorycan be found from the one for N = 4 Super-Yang-Mills by a redefinition of the couplingconstant. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-2020-005.title -
Thesis_Jan_Peter_Carstensen -
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Consuegra Rodriguez, S. ; Raspiareza, A. ; Gallo-Voss, E.
Search for light bosons in the final state with muons and tau leptons with CMS Run II data
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 215 pp. (2020) [10.3204/PUBDB-2020-04343]2020 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2020
A search for a pair of light bosons produced in decays of the 125 GeV Higgs boson, with one of the light states decaying into a pair of muons and the other into a pair of tau leptons, is presented. The search is based on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137.2 fb-1, collected with the CMS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider in the years 2016, 2017, and 2018 at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-20-026.title -
Thesis_PhD_Sandra_Consuegra_Rodriguez -
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Costantini, R. ; Morgante, A.
Exciton Dynamics in Molecular Heterojunctions
In recent years, the need for a more sustainable economic development contributed to the increasing interest in renewable energy sources. With encouraging trends on power conversion efficiencies and manufacturing costs, photovoltaics is expected to be the workhorse for the production of green energy in the future. [...]
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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Creutzburg, M. ; Stierle, A.
Adsorption of Carboxylic Acids on Magnetite Single Crystal Surfaces
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 160 pp. (2020) [10.3204/PUBDB-2020-02286]2020 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2020
Magnetite is a versatile transition metal oxide with applications in catalysis, biomedical imaging and spintronic devices. Moreover, magnetite nanoparticles covered with oleic acid are formed into novel nanocomposite, hierarchical materials with outstanding mechanical properties in terms of strength and hardness. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-2020-011.title -
PhD_thesis_2020_Creutzburg_Marcus -
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Dalla Lana Semione, G. ; Stierle, A.
Niobium Near Surface Composition Relevant for Superconducting Radio-Frequency Cavities
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 180 pp. (2020) [10.3204/PUBDB-2020-02305]2020 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2020
A detailed study of the near-surface composition and structure of Nb, the current state-of-the-art material for superconducting radio-frequency accelerator (SRF) cavities, is of extreme importance in order to understand the consequences of different treatments applied during their production as well as its effects in conditions resembling real operation. Recently, different thermal treatments involving the presence of nitrogen achieved remarkable performance increases of such devices, however, the physical and chemical phenomena involved are still elusive. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-20-013.title -
SemioneGDL_PhDThesis -
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Defranchis, M. ; Lipka, K. ; Moch, S.-O.
First measurement of the running of the top quark mass
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 189 pp. (2020) [10.3204/PUBDB-2020-02655]2020 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2020
In this thesis, the rst experimental determination of the running of the top quarkmass is presented. The running is extracted from a measurement of the dierentialtop quark-antiquark (tt) production cross section as a function of the invariant massof the tt system, mtt. [...]
OpenAccess: Defranchis_thesis_published_corrected -
desy-thesis-20-016.title -
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Giannopoulou, E. ; Wilmanns, M. ; Lüers, G. H.
Structural characterisation of peroxisomal import receptor complexes
Peroxisomes are dynamic eukaryotic organelles that require import of their membrane and matrix proteins by soluble receptors in the cytosol. Their biogenesis, protein import, and proliferation are regulated by a distinct set of proteins, collectively called peroxins.Two peroxins, Pex3 and Pex19, are involved in the insertion of various Peroxisomal Membrane Proteins (PMPs) in the peroxisomal membrane and are thus crucial for its formation [...]
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Goswami, D. ; MANDAL, P. K.
Due to the coexistence of liquid-like fluidity with conventional solidlike anisotropy, liquid crystals exhibit unique optical, dielectric or elasticproperties which make them suitable for a variety of technical andscientific applications, especially in display devices. The dielectric andelectro-optic properties of these materials, along with their phasebehaviour, are of immense importance from application perspective. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Gouttenoire, Y. ; Servant, G. ; Sala, F.
Heavy Dark Matter, Models and Methods of Detection beyond the Standard Paradigm
430 pp. (2020)2020 = Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2020
Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) around the TeV scale have since long been among the best-motivated and most studied Dark Matter (DM) candidates. However, the absence of experimental evidence for such particles either in colliders, at telescopes or in underground laboratories, has stimulated model-building and studies of new methods of detection beyond the WIMP paradigm. [...]
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Haranko, M. ; Gallo-Voss, E. ; Mussgiller, A.
Development of a test DAQ system for the CMS Phase-2 outer tracker upgrade
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 117 pp. (2020) [10.3204/PUBDB-2020-00885]2020 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2020
The CMS detector at the LHC is foreseen to experience a major upgrade in order to cope with increased radiation flux due to the high-luminosity operation phase of the accelerator. The CMS tracker will be replaced completely, introducing a new module concept in the outer part of the subsystem, which will exploit the strong magnetic field inside the CMS detector to select high transverse momentum particles locally and send the corresponding information to the triggering system thus enhancing the efficiency of the latter.In order to allow for module prototyping and production testing, an intermediate DAQ system, referred to as μDTC, was developed in the scope of this thesis. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-20-002.title -
PhD Thesis - Mykyta Haranko -
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Hufnagel, M. ; Schmidt-Hoberg, K.
Primordial Nucleosynthesis in the Presence of MeV-scale Dark Sectors
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 175 pp. (2020) [10.3204/PUBDB-2020-02699]2020 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2020
In this thesis, we perform a comprehensive study of Big Bang nucleosynthesis constraints on different dark-sector models with $\mathrm{MeV}$-scale particles which are neither fully relativistic nor fully non-relativistic during all relevant temperatures. To this end, we derive a generic set of equations that can be used to determine the light-element abundances for many different dark-sector scenarios. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-2020-017.title -
PhD_Thesis_Marco_Hufnagel -
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Knop, J.
Structure and Function of a guarded Arabidopsis Immune Signaling Ubiquitin Ligase
The Arabidopsis thaliana E3 ubiquitin ligase SAUL1 (SENESCENCE-ASSOCIATED E3 UBIQUITIN LIGASE 1), which acts as a positive regulator during pattern-triggered immunity (PTI), is characterized by two intriguing hallmarks.(i) On the one hand, SAUL1 is guarded by two heteromeric nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat protein (NLR) complexes. These initiate an inducible effector-triggered immunity (ETI) in the saul1 1 mutant [...]
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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Kuropka, W. ; Assmann, R. ; Kärtner, F.
Studies towards Acceleration of Relativistic Electron Beamsin Laser-driven Dielectric Microstructures
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 124 pp. (2020) [10.3204/PUBDB-2020-02257]2020 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2020
In this work an approach to relativistic electron acceleration employing laser-driven dielectric microstructures (DLA) is considered. New DLA designs were developed, a simulation code for efficient DLA simulation was devised, the capabilities of dielectric microstructures as particle beam diagnostic devices were investigated and a laser induced damage threshold measurement setup was implemented and tested.To leverage well developed near-infrared laser sources new DLAs were designed that are robust against realistic manufacturing tolerances and exhibit a predicted increased electron transmission of up to \SI{44}{\percent} of the charge and longitudinal acceptance of around \SI{2}{\femto\second}, but are still able to produce \SI{}{\giga\volt/\meter} acceleration gradients. [...]
OpenAccess: Dissertation_WK_publish -
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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Lange, J. ; Schleper, P. ; Schwanenberger, C.
Measurement of the top quark mass in the all-jets final state at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV and combination with the lepton+jets channel
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 189 pp. (2020) [10.3204/PUBDB-2020-00969]2020 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2020
A measurement of the top quark mass using LHC proton-proton collision data with an integratedluminosity of $35.9\text{fb}^{-1}$ is presented.The dataset has been recorded with the CMS detector in LHC Run 2 at a center-of-mass energyof $13$ TeV in the 2016 data taking period.Events are selected in which a top quark and a top antiquark are produced and both decay exclusively to jets.This $\text{t}\overline{\text{t}}$ all-jets final state is characterized by six jets in the detector and therefore contaminatedby multijet background, which is estimated from data in a control region.A kinematic fit is utilized to reconstruct the full $\text{t}\overline{\text{t}}$ system, improving the invariant mass resolution forthe top quark candidates and at the same time reducing the multijet background by requiring a goodness-of-fit criterion.The top quark mass is extracted using the ideogram method, simultaneously constraining an additional jet energy scale factor(JSF) to reduce systematic uncertainties.The top quark mass is found to be $m_{\text{t}}=172.34\pm0.20\,\text{(stat+JSF)}\pm0.70\,\text{(syst)}$ GeV, agreeing well with previous measurements.Furthermore, a combined top quark mass measurement using the all-jets and lepton+jets final states simultaneously isperformed.For this, a combined likelihood including the events of both final states is constructed and the same mass extractionis applied as for the all-jets final state.The resulting measurement is $m_{\text{t}}=172.26\pm0.07\,\text{(stat+JSF)}\pm0.61\,\text{(syst)}$ GeV.This is the first time a top quark mass measurement combining both final states in a single likelihood functionis presented.The result is consistent with other measurements at the LHC.A global electroweak fit employing this measurement shows the importance of the top quark mass for consistency checksof the standard model of particle physics..
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-20-003.title -
Dissertation_JohannesLange -
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Ma, Y.
Processes, microstructure, and mechanical properties of cold-rolled medium-Mn steel
Medium-Mn steel has drawn tremendous attention recently for automotive lightweight applications, because of its excellent combination of high strength and superior formability. The present work aims at an in-depth understanding of the process-microstructure-property relationship in medium-Mn steel. [...]
Master Thesis
Mewes, M. ; Miltchev, V. ; Hillert, W.
Electron beam characterization based on seeded FEL properties
In this thesis a method for electron beam slice diagnostic has been developed.The method is applicable to the drive beam of high-gain FELs operating in seededor SASE mode.It is essentially a time-resolved electron beam parameter estimationbased on experimental data on both projected and time-resolved beam propertiesand a theoretical model implemented in a numerical FEL-simulation code.This approach allows to take into account many independent measurements onelectron bunch (e.g. emittance, energy spread, current), electron optical functions,FEL-amplifier (gain length), and FEL-output radiation(wavelength, power) and deducevarious otherwise experimentally inaccessible quantities like slice parameters,initial bunching, or induced energy modulation. [...]
Bachelor Thesis
Morschel, L.
Improving Tape Restore Request Scheduling in the Storage System dCache
This thesis aims to improve the data recall efficiency from magnetic tape to disk by optimizing the request scheduling within the scientific disk storage system dCache. It is written in the context of the future data management challenges by the ATLAS experiment, where the high luminosity configuration will require an order of magnitude more storage capacity than can be provided by the current funding and usage model. [...]
Bachelor Thesis
Orlow, A. ; Gruebel, G.
Influence of TMAO on the Dynamics and Gelation of PNIPAm colloids
This thesis studies the dynamics of a colloidal suspension, consisting of concentrated nan-oparticles with a silica core and a polymer shell of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAm)suspended in water. The thermosresponsive polymer PNIPAm is known for its volume phasetransition at a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) of about 32−33◦C [...]
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Reimers, A. ; Haller, J.
Searching for Heavy Particles Coupled to Top Quarks with CMS
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 239 pp. (2020) [10.3204/PUBDB-2020-02589]2020 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2020
In this thesis, two searches for new heavy particles with top quarks in the final stateare presented. They are based on data recorded by the CMS detector in the years 2016and 2017, respectively.In the first part of this thesis, the first search for pair-produced leptoquarks (LQs)decaying to top quarks and muons is presented [...]
OpenAccess: Searching for Heavy Particles Coupled to Top Quarks with CMS publish -
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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Rossi, E. ; Gregor, I.-M. ; Garutti, E.
Characterization of Silicon Modules and Sensors for the ATLAS Inner Tracker Strip Detector
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 176 pp. (2020) [10.3204/PUBDB-2020-03793]2020 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2020
For the High-Luminosity LHC, the ATLAS Experiment will replace the current tracking system with an all-silicon detector, the Inner Tracker (ITk), consisting of inner pixel layers and outer strip layers. The ITk Strip Detector will operate in a much harsher environment than the current strip detector, the Semiconductor Tracker (SCT). [...]
OpenAccess: EdoardoRossiPhDThesis -
desy-thesis-20-021.title -
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Sasikumar, K. S. ; List, J.
Photon-Photon processes at the International Linear Collider and BSM signatures with small mass differences
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY THESIS 221 pp. (2020) [10.3204/PUBDB-2021-01241]2020 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2020
The International Linear Collider is a proposed $e^{+}e^{-}$ collider with tunable centre-of-mass energies and polarised beams. By performing high-precision measurements of Standard Model observables and searches for new particles the ILC can serve as a complementary machine to the LHC.In supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model, higgsino-like charginos and neutralinos are preferred to have masses of the order of the electroweak scale by naturalness arguments. [...]
OpenAccess: Sasikumar_final_thesis -
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Scholz, M. ; Schroer, C.
3D Multimodal X-ray Imaging of a Microchip: Correlating Structure, Composition and Orientation at the Nanoscale
Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky 145 pages: illustrations, diagrams (2020) [10.3204/PUBDB-2022-01837]2020 = Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2021
With the fast technological developments of our time often new possibilities arise to gain a deeperscientific understanding of complex processes, may these be of biological, chemical or physicalnature, and materials. In natural sciences, X-ray and electron microscopy is indispensable tohelp uncovering these scientific backgrounds. [...]
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Schütte-Engel, J. ; Ringwald, A. ; Garutti, E.
Axion direct detection in particle and condensed matter physics
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 175 pp. (2020) [10.3204/PUBDB-2020-04202]2020 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2020
The first part of this thesis investigates the direct detection of axions in particle physics. A generalized matrix formalism for describing axion-photon mixing in multi-layer systems to all orders in the axion-photon coupling is developed and applied for studying light shinning through a wall (LSW) experiments with and without dielectric layers. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-2020-024.title -
Thesis_Schuette-Engel -
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Sobolev, I. ; Weiglein, G.
Precise predictions for Higgs physics in supersymmetric models
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 196 pages : illustrations, fugires (2020) [10.3204/PUBDB-2020-02962]2020 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2020
In the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), the mass of the SM-like Higgs boson can be predicted in terms of the model parameters and therefore used as a precision observable to constrain the MSSM parameter space. The precise prediction of the lightest MSSM Higgs boson mass in scenarios with one or several heavy supersymmetric particles requires the resummation of higher-order logarithmic contributions obtained within an effective-field-theory (EFT) approach. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-20-019.title -
Thesis -
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Stachnik, K. ; Meents, A. ; Chapman, H. N.
3D Multimodal X-ray microscopy of biological specimens
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 164 pp. (2020) [10.3204/PUBDB-2020-02258]2020 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2019
Studies of biological systems typically require the application of several complementary methods able to yield statistically-relevant results at a unique level of sensitivity. Long penetration depth of X-rays makes them particularly suitable for non-destructive volumetric investigations of whole cells and tissue sections, providing structural and elemental specificity at nanoscale spatial resolutions.X-ray ptychography is a promising imaging technique for sub-100-nm structural studies of weakly-scattering extended biological specimens. [...]
OpenAccess: PhDthesis_Karolina_Stachnik_HIGHRES -
desy-thesis-20-010.title -
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Staufer, T. ; Gruener, F.
X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging with a Laser-Driven X-Ray Source
147 pp. (2020)2020 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2020
The medical imaging modality of X-ray fluorescence imaging (XFI), first proposed in 1986 by Boisseau, offers the possibility to utilise gold nanoparticles (GNPs) that are functionalised with specific biomarkers, offering the advantage of low dose exposure and high detection sensitivity. If these nanoparticles are injected into an organism, they can be taken up by tumour cells - a prevailing challenge for commonly used imaging modalities like computed tomography (CT) or positron emission tomography (PET), especially for early tumour diagnostics. [...]
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Tolstikova, A. ; Chapman, H. N. ; White, T.
Development of diffraction analysis methods for serial crystallography
Serial crystallography, initially developed for use at X-ray free-electron lasers, has openednew opportunities to investigate structure and dynamics of biomolecules at physiologicallyrelevant temperatures. It has since spread out to 3 rd generation synchrotron sources whereit allows us to measure protein microcrystals at room temperature, perform time-resolvedexperiments on biological crystals and obtain structures of radiation-sensitive proteins. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Vozda, V. ; Chalupsky, J.
Interaction of short-wavelength laser pulses with matter on various time scales
An advent of powerful sources producing intense and ultrashort laserpulses containing high-energy photons opened up a wide range of possibilitiesto conduct experiments formerly achievable only through theoretical calculationsand models. This thesis provides a complex overview of processes which occurright after arrival of the first photons, through lattice heating, up to resolidifica-tion and formation of irreversible changes [...]
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Wiese, J. ; Küpper, J. ; Bester, G.
Strong-field photoelectron imaging of complex molecules
Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg 114 pp. (2020) [10.3204/PUBDB-2020-04382]2020 = Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2020
Strong-field ionisation imaging offers elegant ways to measure and visualise molecular structure with picometre spatial and femtosecond temporal resolution. The underlying ionisation process is driven by an intense laser-electric field and allows to selectively extract a single electron from the outermost valence orbital(s) of the target molecule. [...]
PDF (additional files);
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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Willing, S. ; Oepen, H. P. ; Roehlsberger, R.
Oblique-incidence deposition of ferromagnetic thin films and their application in magnetoresistive sensors
Magnetic field sensors can be used for compass applications, to measure electrical cur-rents or to determine position and speed of objects. Layered thin-film sensors based onthe giant or tunneling magnetoresistance (GMR or TMR) are predestined for portabledevices where their small size, high effect strength and low power consumption are crucial.Through the use of oblique-incidence deposition (OID) it is possible to tailor the magneticand magnetoresistive properties of the sensors in an easy-accessible and flexible way tothe needs of an application. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Winkler, P. V.
Emittance Measurements at Laser-Wakefield Accelerators
145 pp. (2020)2020 = Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2019
Laser-wakefield accelerators enable the generation of electron beams with initially nm-small emittances and GeV-level beam energies within cm-scale distances and are thereforepromissing candidates for drivers of future experiments. However, the percent-level energy-spreads and shot-to-shot fluctuations in beam quality can pose a limit to the transportability of plasma-generated beams, and further impete the measurement of the beam emittance using conventional methods.In the framework of this thesis, two energy-resolved phase-space diagnostics, a single-shot and a multi-shot method, have been implemented at the LUX laser-plasma accelerator.Electron beams from ionization injection are imaged by a compact quadrupole doublet from a virtual source into a dispersive electron spectrometer, which allows to measurethe beam emittance, beam size, divergence and phase-space correlation on the singleenergy-slice level. [...]
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Zapolnova, E. ; Ploenjes-Palm, E.
Pump-probe experiments, driven by high-field THz pulses, shaped by double electron bunches at FLASH
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 123 pp. (2020) [10.3204/PUBDB-2020-04003]2020 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2020
The Free Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH) has a unique combination of high repetitionrate, tunable, intense, and narrowband THz pulses naturally synchronized to the XUV pulses.It provides the opportunity to investigate light-matter interaction on an ultrafast timescale.However, due to the different properties of THz and XUV radiation, the optical transport differsfor these pulses. The result is that the optical path of the THz beamline is several meters longerthan the XUV beamline, preventing the utilization of the full potential of FLASH. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-20-025.title -
PhD_Thesis_Ekaterina_Zapolnova_26_10_2020 -