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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Aghaei, N. ; Teschner, J.
Quantization of super Teichmüller spaces
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 157 pp. (2016) [10.3204/PUBDB-2016-03141]2016 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2016
The quantization of the Teichmüller spaces of Riemann surfaces has found important applications to conformal field theory and N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theories. We construct a quantization of the Teichmüller spaces of super Riemann surfaces, using coordinates associated to the ideal triangulations of super Riemann surfaces.A new feature is the non-trivial dependence on the choice of a spin structure which can be encoded combinatorially in a certain refinement of the ideal triangulation [...]
OpenAccess: Nezhla Aghaei -
desy-thesis-16-021.title -
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Ahmad, A. S.
Behavior of Disordered Materials under Extreme Conditions
128 pp. (2016)2016 = Dissertation, Zhejiang University, 2017
A joint experimental and theoretical study on the behaviors of disorderedchalcogenides (i.e., amorphous As2Se3 and amorphous AsSe) under high-pressure,behaviors of chemically disordered high entropy alloys (HEAs) under high-pressure andhigh-temperature, and low temperature dynamics of Zr-based metallic glasses (MGs) ispresented. A brief introduction, experimental methods and behavior of the studiedmaterials under extreme conditions of temperature and pressure are documented.A reversible breakdown of intermediate range ordering (IRO) and associated networktransition is observed under pressure in amorphous As2Se3. [...]
Book/Report/Master Thesis
Bohlen, S.
Detection of Inverse Compton Scattering in Plasma Wakefield Experiments
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 112 pp. (2016) [10.3204/PUBDB-2016-05732]2016 = Masterarbeit, Universität Hamburg, 2016
Inverse Compton Streuung (ICS) ist ein Streuprozess zwischen Photon und Elektron, beidem ein Teil der Elektronenenergie auf das Photon uebertragen wird. In Kombinationmit Plasma-Wake eld-Beschleunigung (PWA), ist ICS eine kompakte Methode um-Strahlung zu erzeugen.Im Rahmen des FLASHForward Projektes bei DESY kann in PWA ExperimentenICS Strahlung produziert werden. [...]
OpenAccess: MasterThesis_SimonBohlen -
desy-thesis-16-036.title -
Book/Report/Master Thesis
Borissenko, D.
Designing and Commissioning of a Setup for Timing-Jitter Measurements Using Electro-Optic Temporal Decoding
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 87 pp. (2016) [10.3204/PUBDB-2016-05592]2016 = Masterarbeit, Universität Hamburg, 2016
Precise measurements of the arrival time jitter between the ionization laser, usedto create the plasma, and the driver beam in the PWFA setup of the FLASHForwardproject are of high interest for the operation and optimization of the experiment.In this thesis, an electro-optic temporal decoding (EOTD) setup with nearcrossed polarizer detection scheme is presented, which can measure the timingjitterto an accuracy of around 30 fs. This result was obtained during severalmeasurements conducted at the coherent transition radiation beamline CTR141at FLASH, using a 100 m thick GaP crystal and coherent diffraction/transitionradiation, generated from the FLASH1 electron bunches.Measurements were performed during long and short electron bunch operationat FLASH, showing that best results are obtained with CDR from long electronbunches. [...]
OpenAccess: Dennis_Borissenko_master_thesis_main -
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Broy, B. ; Louis, J.
Inflation and Effective Shift Symmetries
Cosmic inflation not only sets the initial conditions for the evolution of the universe but also provides the origin of structure formation. It is hence both from a theoretical and observational point of view a highly successful paradigm. [...]
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Bachelor Thesis
Franke, A.
Ultrashort UV-pulses for electronic excitation of molecules
55 pp. (2016)2016 = University of Hamburg, Bachelorarbeit, 2016
In order to observe the combining and breaking of molecules, as well as charge redistributions,laser pulses within the same temporal magnitude are necessary. The most used laser systemfor such pulses today is a titanium-sapphire laser which has a relatively simple setup and fulfillsall requirements for stable generation of ultrashort pulses. [...]
Book/Report/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Galli, S.
On magnesium-containing implants for bone applications
[I-20130475 EC]
The biomedical technologies for bone application are employed in millions of patients every year to restore function and aesthetics following trauma, diseases and congenital deformities. They achieved significant advancements in the last decades and have resulted in the development of implants that function for long periods of time. [...]
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Report/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Gurieva, T. ; Roehlsberger, R. ; Ruebhausen, M.
Investigation of the field dependent spin structure of exchange coupled magnetic heterostructures
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron 151 pp. (2016)2016 = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2016
This thesis describes the investigation of the field dependent magnetic spin structure of an antiferromagnetically (AF) coupled Fe/Cr heterostructure sandwiched between a hardmagnetic FePt buffer layer and a softmagnetic Fe top layer. The depth-resolved experimental studies of this system were performed via Magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE), Vibrating Sample Magnetometry (VSM) and various measuring methods based on nuclear resonant scattering (NRS) technique. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-16-012.title -
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Hellhund, J.
Investigations on the fragmentation and ionization of endohedral fullerenes using synchrotron radiation
Giessen : Justus Liebig Universität 1-110 (2016)2016 = Justus Liebig University Giessen, Diss., 2016
Cross-section measurements employing the photon-ion merged-beam technique for photoionization and photofragmentation of ions of endohedral fullerenes Xe@C$_{60}$ and Lu$_3$N@C$_{80}$ exposed to synchrotron-generated extreme ultraviolet light and soft x-rays are presented. A part of the required Xe@C$_{60}$ material was synthesized with the production apparatus available at the Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (IAMP) in Gießen. [...]
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Hrkac, S.
Nanofokus-Röntgenstreuung an komplex magnetoelektrischen Mikrokompositen
Komplex magnetoelektrische Mikrokomposite aus kristallinen Mikronadeln aus dem piezoelektrischen Metalloxid Zinkoxid mit einer amorphen magnetostriktiven (Fe90Co10)78Si12B10 Beschichtung werden über Röntgenstreumethoden charakterisiert. Das Ziel der Studien ist die Bestimmung der mechanischen Wechselwirkung zwischen piezoelektrischer und magnetostriktiver Komponente an der geteilten Grenzfläche. [...]
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Hulme-Smith, C.
The thermal stability of bulk nanocrystalline steels
Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository 315 pp. (2016) [10.17863/CAM.7026]2016 = University of Cambridge, Diss., 2016
Nanocrystalline bainite, commonly known as “superbainite”, is a novel class of steel that utilises careful alloy design to reduce the bainite transformation temperature to below 300℃. This results in grains that are tens of nanometres in width, which make steel strong and tough. [...]
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Kalirai, S.
Advances in X-ray chemical imaging of a single catalyst particle
Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) catalyst particles are complex, hierarchical, multi-component systems that are used ubiquitously for the production of valuable hydrocarbons such as gasoline and propylene from crude oil feedstocks. In the FCC unit, high heat, steam and feedstocks contaminated with deleterious metals, such as Fe, Ni and V contribute to FCC catalyst deactivation and loss in activity. [...]
Bachelor Thesis
Karakaya, T.
Bit Error Rate Detection in High Energy Physics Experimentsimplemented on an FPGA
100 pp. (2016)2016 = University of Hamburg, Bachelorarbeit, 2016
The front-end readout electronics of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Hadron Calorimeter(HCAL) detector is controlled remotely by a back-end control system due to high radiationand a strong magnetic field. The transmission of the digital communication between back-endand front-end is established over a 4.8 Gbps fiber optic channel. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Knolle, J.
Dynamics of a quantum spin liquid
Cham : Springer, Springer theses 140 pages (2016)2016 = MPI, Diss., 2015
This thesis presents an exact theoretical study of dynamical correlation functions in different phases of a two-dimensional quantum spin liquid. By calculating the dynamical spin structure factor and the Raman scattering cross section, this thesis shows that there are salient signatures-qualitative and quantitative-of the Majorana fermions and the gauge fluxes emerging as effective degrees of freedom in the exactly solvable Kitaev honeycomb lattice model [...]
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Master Thesis
Koevener, T.
THz spectrometer calibration at FELIX
Free-electron lasers like FLASHatDESY accelerate short electron pulses with large peak currentsto generate high brightness radiation in the X-ray regime.e accelerators operation requireslongitudinal diagnostics for time scales of tenth of femtoseconds. Here coherent radiationspectroscopy is a suitable method. [...]
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Krogen, P. ; Kärtner, F. ; Ippen, E. P.
A novel single-cycle optical source in the mid-infrared
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1 - 106 (2016) [10.3204/PUBDB-2017-08768]2016 = Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016
In this thesis, I demonstrate the generation of single-optical-cycle pulses in the mid-infrared, which are generated using adiabatic difference frequency in an aperiodically polled lithium niobate crystal. The input pulses were generated in amplified Ti:Sapphire laser system, the construction of which is covered in detail, along with complete characterization of the generated pulses. [...]
Book/Report/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Laurus, T. ; Weckert, E. ; Wurth, W.
Diffraction anomalous fine structure in Laue geometry
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 108 pp. (2016) [10.3204/PUBDB-2019-00851]2016 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2016
This thesis deals with the further development of the method of Borrmannspectroscopy and the development of the novel method of diffractionanomalous fine structure in Laue geometry.Borrmann spectroscopy utilizes the Borrmann effect in order to enhancethe quadrupol absorption, which enables studying weak quadrupoltransitions. In the present work a model is developed, which describes thedependence of the quadrupol enhancement on temperature and anisotropyof the chemical environment. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-18-043.title -
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Bachelor Thesis
Lienau, B. ; Küpper, J. ; Horke, D.
Charakterisierung von Aerosolstrahlen mittels Laserionisationsmassenspektrometrie
Eines der interessantesten heutigen Projekte in der Biochemie und der Molekülphysik ist die Beobachtung von biologischen oder chemischen Reaktionen in Molekülen mit atomarer räumlicher Präzision. Eine vielversprechende Methode hierfür basiert auf dem Einsatz einer aerodynamischen Linse zur Fokussierung der Teilchen und der Untersuchung dieser Moleküle mit FreieElektronen-Lasern, um die Struktur der Moleküle, also die Positionen der Elektronen und Atomkerne, festzustellen. [...]
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Sagunski, L. ; Konstandin, T. ; Sigl, G.
On Soft Limits of Large-Scale Structure Correlation Functions
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 247 pp. (2016) [10.3204/PUBDB-2016-03361]2016 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2016
Large-scale structure surveys have the potential to become the leading probe for precision cosmology in the next decade. To extract valuable information on the cosmological evolution of the Universe from the observational data, it is of major importance to derive accurate theoretical predictions for the statistical large-scale structure observables, such as the power spectrum and the bispectrum of (dark) matter density perturbations. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-16-023.title -
PhDThesis_LauraSagunski_Published -
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Stankevic, T.
Structural investigations of nanowires using X-ray diffraction
130 pp. (2016)2016 = University of Copenhagen, Diss., 2016
Advancements in growth of the nanowire-based devices opened another dimension of possible structures and material combinations, which find their applications in a wide variety of fields, including everyday life. Characterization of such devices brings its own challenges and here we show that X-rays offer large possibilities to analyze the structural properties.In the present work we used three different techniques to characterize a large spectrum of different nanowire heterostructures from the structural point of view:(i) First, we measured high resolution three dimensional reciprocal space maps averaged over large number of nanowires. [...]
Master Thesis
Tauscher, G.
Ionisation of Hydrogen for Plasma Wakefield Accelerators
117 pp. (2016)2016 = Masterarbeit, University of Hamburg, 2016
In order to describe the electron density of a hydrogen plasma generated via anultrashort laser pulse, it is necessary to understand the underlying ionisation processof the pulse interacting with H2. Simulations and calculations based on thesimplest ADK ionisation thresholds are likely to overestimate the ionisation fractionsince the molecular dynamics in H2 are not included.The tunnelling barrier-suppression (TBSI) model combines atomic ADK theory [2]with an empirical correction far into the barrier-suppression ionisation regime [46],[38], and can also be applied to calculate molecular ionisation rates [39]. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Wang, J.
QCD higher-order effects and search for new physics
Heidelberg : Springer, Springer theses 142 pages (2016)2016 = University of Beijing, Diss., 2015
This book mainly investigates the precision predictions on the signal of new physics at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) scheme. The potential of the LHC to discover the signal of dark matter associated production with a photon is studied after including next-to-leading order QCD corrections [...]
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Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Wehle, S. ; Hagner, C. ; Niebuhr, C. ; et al
Angular Analysis of $B \to K^\ast \ell\ell$ and Search for $B^+\to K^+ \tau \tau$ at the Bellle Experiment
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 209 pp. (2016) [10.3204/PUBDB-2016-03770]2016 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2016
Rare decays of $B$ mesons are an ideal probe to search for phenomena beyond the Standard Model of particle physics, since contributions from new particles can affect the decays on the same level as Standard Model predictions.The rare decay of $B \to K^{(\ast)} \ell^+ \ell^-$offers the quark transition $b\to s \ell^+ \ell^-$, a flavor changing neutral current which is forbidden at tree level in the Standard Model.Higher order processes such as penguin or $W^+W^-$ box diagrams allow for these processes, leading to branching ratios of less than one in a million.Various extensions to the Standard Model predict influences of new physics, which can enhance or suppress branching ratios or lead to changes in angular distributions of the decay products. In order to produce a sufficient amount of $B$ mesons, the so-called $B$-factories were designed.One of them is the asymmetric-energy $e^+e^-$ collider KEKB with the Belle experiment, located in Tsukuba, Japan.During 1999 to 2010 the experiment recorded a total luminosity of $1~\mathrm{ab}^{-1}$ of electron positron collisions. [...]
OpenAccess: pdfa -
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Book/Report/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Xian, R. ; Miller, D. ; Huse, N.
An atomic perspective of the photodissociation and geminate recombination of triiodide in condensed phases
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 162 pp. (2016) [10.3204/PUBDB-2016-03652]2016 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2016
The thesis presents progress made towards a thorough understanding of the photodissociation and geminate recombination of triiodide anion (I$_3^-$) in solution and solid state using novel time-resolved spectroscopic and structural methods that have matured in the past decade. An isolated I$_3^-$ has only three degrees of freedom, but in the condensed phase, the case of an open quantum system, its chemistry is transformed because other degrees of freedom from the surroundings (the bath) need to be fully taken into account. [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-16-028.title -
Xian--An atomic perspective of the photodissociation and geminate recombination of triiodide in condensed phases (2016) -
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Zlebcik, R. ; Valkarova, A.
Diffractive Dijet Production with a Leading Proton in $\it ep$ Collisions at HERA
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS 144 pp. (2016)2016 = Charles University, Prague, Diss., 2016
The cross section of the diffractive process e+p → e+Xp is measured at a centre-of mass energies of 319GeV, where the system X contains at least two jets and the leading final state proton p is detected in the H1 Very Forward Proton Spectrometer. The measurement is performed in photoproduction defined by photon virtualities Q2 <2GeV2 and in deep-inelastic scattering with 4GeV2 < Q2 < 80GeV2. [...]
OpenAccess: h1th-884 -
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