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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Ates, O.
GEM Luminosity Monitors for the Olympus Experiment to determine the Effect of Two-Photon Exchange
Hampton 265 pp. (2014)2014 = Hampton University, Diss., 2014
The OLYMPUS experiment at DESY acquired its data in two distinct periods between 2012-2013 to measure the ratio of positron-proton and electron-proton elastic scattering cross sections. In light of those measurements, OLYMPUS will be able to quantify the effect of two-photon exchange, which is widely considered to be responsible for the discrepancy between measurements of the proton electric to magnetic form factor ratio with the Rosenbluth separation and polarization transfer methods. [...]
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Bhardwaj, S. ; Kärtner, F.
Modeling generation and characterization of attosecond pulses
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1 - 142 (2014)2014 = Massachusetts Insitute of Technology, Diss., 2014
Generation of high-order harmonics has emerged as a powerful technique for the generation of broadband coherent radiation in the EUV regime. This has lead to the development of table-top EUV sources that can produce attosecond pulses. [...]
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Boll, R.
Imaging Molecular Structure with Photoelectron Diffraction
Heidelberg University, Diss., 2014
The possibility to study the structure of polyatomic gas-phase molecules by photoelectron diffraction is investigated with the goal of developing a method capable of imaging ultrafast photochemical reactions with femtosecond temporal and sub-Ångström spatial resolution. The fluorine 1s-level of adiabatically laser-aligned 1-ethynyl-4-fluorobenzene (C8H5F) molecules was ionized by X-ray pulses from the Linac Coherent Light Source Free-Electron Laser, and the angular distributions of photoelectrons with kinetic energies between 30 and 60 eV were recorded by velocity map imaging. [...]
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Cipriano, P.
Forward-Central Jet Correlations in pp collisions at CMS
The azimuthal correlation between central and forward jets has been measured in proton--proton collisions at the LHC recorded with the CMS detector at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. Both jets were required to have a minimum transverse momentum of 35 GeV. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Dassoulas, J.
Measurement of $Z$ Boson Production with the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC
A measurement of the differential pp → Z/γ∗ → e+e− cross section as a function of di- electron invariant mass in the region 66 < m_Z < 116 GeV using 4.58 fb−1 of data collected at a center-of-mass energy of √s = 7 TeV in 2011 with the ATLAS detector at the LHC is performed. The measurement is performed with a comprehensive treatment of systematic and statistical uncertainties evaluated using Monte Carlo simulation and data-driven techniques. [...]
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Dicke, B.
Time-Resolved Pump-Probe X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy of Gaq3
Gallium(tris-8-hydroxyquinoline) (Gaq3) belongs to a class of metal organic compounds, usedas electron transport layer and emissive layer in organic light emitting diodes. Many researchactivities have concentrated on the optical and electronic properties, especially of the homologuemolecule aluminum(tris-8-hydroxyquinoline) (Alq3). [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Erfle, J.
Irradiation study of different silicon materials for the CMS tracker upgrade
Around 2022, an upgrade of the LHC collider complex is planned to significantly increase the luminosity (the High Luminosity LHC, HL-LHC). This means that the experiments have to cope with a higher number of collisions per bunch crossing and survive in a radiation environment much harsher than that at the present LHC. [...]
Bachelor Thesis
Frisch, W.
Characterizing Laser Induced Desorption of Large Molecules
31 p. (2014)2014 = University of Hamburg, Bachelorarbeit, 2014
In this thesis the implementation of a new laser based desorption method for large molecules was investigated. This volatilisation method was laser induced acoustic desorption, which promises a soft desorption of neutral molecules from a foil surface due to the irradiation of the back side with a laser. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Goerner, M.
Differential Cross Sections for Top-Quark-Pair Production in the e$/\mu+$Jets Final State at $\sqrt{s} =$ 8 TeV in CMS
The large number of top quarks produced in proton-proton (pp) collisions at the Large Hadron Collider facilitates precision measurements of top-quark properties that are crucial for testing the consistency of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. In particular, dierential measurements of the top-quark pair (t t ) production cross section are essential for comparison with state-of-the-art predictions of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) within the SM and for searches for new physics phenomena beyond it. [...]
Master Thesis
Kalaydzhyan, A.
Ultra-Low Phase Noise Microwave Extraction from Mode-Locked Lasers
Hamburg (2014)2014 = University of Hamburg, Masterarbeit, 2014
This project was undertaken to design a balanced optical-microwave phase detector (BOMPD) for sub-femtosecond synchronization between optical and microwave sources. Those hy-brid phase detectors form a constituent part of a large-scale synchronization system for future free-electron lasers (e.g. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Khan, M. S.
$J/\psi$ production within the framework of nonrelativistic QCD
We investigate the production of J/Psi from both the color singlet and color octet states ofthe intermediate cc pairs, using the rigorous factorization scheme of NRQCD.We presentthe transverse momentum and rapidity distributions for the associated production ofJ/Psi with an open charm-anticharmc pair at DELPHI, H1, CDF and ATLAS, considering all the direct,single- and double-resolved subprocesses involved. We emphasize on the importanceof considering this process as a part of the NLO studies for J/Psi production. [...]
Bachelor Thesis
Koevener, T.
Elektronenbunch-Fokussierung mit einer Plasmalinse(Electronbunch-Focusing with a Plasma Lens)
Univ. Hamburg, Bachelorarbeit, 2014
In dieser Bachelorarbeit wird ein analytisches Modell erläutert, mit dem es möglich ist, dieFokussierung von Plasmalinsen quantitativ zu beschreiben. Dazu werden zunächst Gleichungenfür die inneren Kräfte und das Propagations-Verhalten von Elektronenbunchen hergeleitet.Anschließend wird ein Plasma im Allgemeinen beschrieben und dann die Wechselwirkung vonPlasma und Elektronenbunch betrachtet. [...]
Bachelor Thesis
Krohn, J.-F.
Simulation and testing of a $CO_{2}$ cooling device for Belle II
Hamburg (2014)2014 = University of Hamburg, Bachelorarbeit, 2014
This assignment investigates two experiments that mimic the CO2 cooling system of BelleII. The thermal mock up of the innermost detector systems were analysed for its abilityto provide the necessary cooling. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Lai, C.-J. ; Kärtner, F.
Tabletop coherent extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray sources based on high harmonic generation
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1 - 123 (2014)2014 = Massachusetts Insitute of Technology, Diss., 2014
High harmonic generation (HHG) is a fascinating strong-field physics phenomenon that occurs when a laser pulse with a moderate intensity interacts with atoms and partially ionizes the atoms. A series of harmonics are generated at similar efficiencies and extend to a few tenth, even thousandth, order harmonics at the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and soft X-ray range. [...]
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Report/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
LI, Z.
Correlated Nuclear and Electronic Dynamics in Photoionized Systems studied by Quantum and Mixed Quantum-Classical Approaches
The advent of free electron lasers and high harmonic sources enables the investigation of electronic and nuclear dynamics of molecules and solids with atomic spatial resolution and femtosecond / attosecond time resolution, using bright and ultrashort laser pulses of frequency from terahertz to hard x-ray range.With the help of ultrashort laser pulses, the nuclear and electronic dynamics can be initiated, monitored and actively controlled at the typical time scale in the femtosecond to attosecond realm. Meanwhile, theoretical tools are required to describe the underlying mechanism.This doctoral thesis focuses on the development of theoretical tools based on full quantum mechanical multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree (MCTDH) and mixed quantum classical approaches, which can be applied to describe the dynamical behavior of gas phase molecules and strongly correlated solids in the presence of ultrashort laser pulses.In the first part of this thesis, the focus is on the motion of electron holes in gas phase molecular ions created by extremeultraviolet (XUV) photoionization and watched by spectroscopic approaches. [...]
Master Thesis
Nent, A.
Bestimmung der Größenverteilung kolloidaler Partikel mittels Röntgen-Kleinwinkelstreuung
90 pp. (2014)2014 = RWTH Aachen University, Masterarbeit, 2014
In this work, two different sample systems are analysed for their inner and outer structure by SAXS.The first part of this work deals with silica-coated hematite particles. It is presented that the structure of these particles can be modelled by a spheroidal core-shell form factor. [...]
Master Thesis/Internal Report
Neumann, M.
External Effects of Basic Research Infrastructure
[Mat. Nr. 1099298]
Bayreuth 1-106 (2014)2014 = Universität Bayreuth, Masterarbeit, 2014
This thesis reviews economic justifications for public funding of basic research as well as how these justifications are applied in recent european research and innovation policy. Here, economic effects of basic research play a central role. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Norrby, N.
Microstructural evolution of TiAlN hard coatingsat elevated pressures and temperatures
Linköping : Linköping University - Tryck, Linköping Studies in Science and Technology Dissertation No. 1583 (2014)2014 = Linköping University, Sweden, Diss., 2014
A typical hard coating on metal cutting inserts used in for example turning,milling or drilling operations is TiAlN. At elevated temperatures, TiAlNexhibits a well characterized spinodal decomposition into coherent cubic TiNand AlN rich domains, which is followed by a transformation from cubic tohexagonal AlN. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Omet, M.
Digital Low Level RF Control Techniques and Procedures Towards the International Linear Collider
[KEK Report 2014-1]
Tsukuba, Japan : High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) 202 pp. (2014)2014 = Dissertation, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, 2014
In this work digital Low Level Radio Frequency (LLRF) control techniques and procedures developed and successfully tested in the scope of the International Linear Collider (ILC) are described.One central requirement for the operation of ILC is the high gradient near (5% below) quench limit operation during the whole flattop of multiple cavities driven by a single klystron. In order to achieve such an operation, for every cavity the driving power (Pk) and the loaded quality factor (QL) have to be controlled individually. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Pahl, P.
Measurement of the $\mathrm{D^\pm}$ Meson Cross Section in DIS with the H1 Detector at HERA
The inclusive production of D mesons in deep inelastic scattering at p s = 318 GeV at HERA is studied using data taken with the H1 detector during the high energy measurement period in the years 2006 and 2007 corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 202 : 6 pb 1 . The visible phase space is defined by 5 < Q 2 < 100 GeV 2 , 0 : 05 < y < 0 : 6, 1 : 5 < p T ( D ) and 1 : 5 < h ( D ) < 1 : 5, where Q 2 is the photon virtuality, y is the inelasticity and p T ( D ) and h ( D ) are the transverse momentum and rapidity of the D meson. [...]
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Master Thesis
Pedersen, T. S.
Analysis of the Stability of Monoclonal antibodies during Acidic Incubation and Neutralization
1-86 (2014)2014 = University of Copenhagen, Masterarbeit, 2014
In the commercial manufacturing of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), several of the downstream operational steps such as chromatographic purification and endogenous retrovirus inactivation involve low-pH treatment, which potentially cause protein aggregation. Due to the high production cost of therapeutic proteins, and in order to avoid immunogenic reactions in patients arising from impurities in the product, it is of great importance for the pharmaceutical industry to have a thorough understanding of how and when acid-induced aggregation processes occur, and if they can be reversed.In this thesis, the stability of three different mAbs (IgG1, IgG2 and IgG4) during low-pH incubation in NaCl or sucrose, and their subsequent neutralization, has been characterized in a time-dependent manner. [...]
Master Thesis
Ravi, K.
Theory of terahertz generation by optical rectification
Cambridge, MA, USA (2014)2014 = Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Masterarbeit, 2014
Intense pulses of light with wavelengths, approximately ten times smaller than microwave sources and a hundred times larger than optical/near infra-red sources may be categorized as high-field Terahertz (THz) sources. By virtue of their large electromagnetic field amplitudes and relatively long wavelengths, they are uniquely amenable for electron acceleration, coherent X-ray generation and non-linear spectroscopy. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Riegg, S.
Relationship between composition, crystal structure, and physical properties in perovskite-related ruthenates
University of Augsburg, Diss., 2014
For this work a considerable number of pure and substituted (rare-earth elements, Ti, and Mn) La2RuO5 samples with an unconventional layered perovskite-related structure were synthesized by a new soft-chemistry approach. Besides the crystal structure investigated by x-ray and neutron diffraction as well as x-ray absorption spectroscopy, the magneto-structural phase transition was studied in detail by measurements of the magnetic susceptibility and specific heat. [...]
Master Thesis
Saeubert, S.
Isothermal Transformation Kinetics in Uranium Molybdenum Alloys
Technische Universität München, Masterarbeit, 2014
Exposing uranium-molybdenum alloys (UMo) retained in the γ-phase to elevated temperatures, transformation reactions set in during which the γ-UMo phase decomposes into the thermal equilibrium phases, i.e. U2Mo and α-U. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Saveliev, A.
Time Evolution of Primordial Magnetic Fields and Present Day Extragalactic Magnetism
The topic of the present thesis is the time evolution of Primordial Magnetic Fields which have been generated in the Early Universe. Assuming this so-called Cosmological Scenario of magnetogenesis to be true, it is shown in the following that this would account for the present day Extragalactic Magnetic Fields. [...]
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Scholz, M.
Design of the Extraction Arc for the 2nd Beam Line of the Free-Electron Laser FLASH
Hamburg : Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, DESY-THESIS 127 pp. (2014) [10.3204/DESY-2014-01655]2014 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2013
In this thesis, I will deal with the design of the extraction arc for the second beam line of FLASH, an FEL (Free-Electron Laser) user facility at DESY Hamburg. Both beam lines will use the same linear accelerator and their separation will take place behind the last accelerating module. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Schulz, A.
Search for gamma-ray emission from bow shocks of runaway stars
The mystery of the origin of cosmic rays has been tackled for more than hundred years and is still not solved. Cosmic rays are detected with energies spanning more than 10 orders of magnitude and reaching energies up to ~ 10$^{21}$eV, far higher than any man-made accelerator can reach. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Schulz, S. ; DESY
Implementation of the Laser-Based Femtosecond Precision Synchronization System at FLASH
Abstract: FLASH, the high-gain free-electron laser (FEL) in Hamburg, enables the generation of light pulseswith wavelengths in the soft X-ray region and durations down to a few femtoseconds. To fully exploitthis capability in time-resolved pump-probe experiments, and for the projected externally seededoperation, the critical components of the accelerator and several external laser systems have to besynchronized with a temporal accuracy at least in the same order of magnitude. [...]
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Schwartzkopf, M.
In situ µGISAXS Untersuchungen der Wachstumskinetik von Goldclustern
University of Hamburg, Diss., 2014
The remarkable manifold properties of gold cluster assemblies are of enormous interest for fundamental research and promise various potential applications in solar cells, biosensors, reflective or antireflective coatings and heterogeneous catalysis. The adjustment of the size-dependent catalytic, electrical and optical properties of gold cluster assemblies is therefore a very significant topic in modern applied nanotechnology. [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Senkbeil, T. ; Dahint, R. ; Cremer, C.
Untersuchung der Klebstoffe mariner Foulingorganismen mit synchrotronbasierten Röntgenmethoden
Heidelberg : Universität Heidelberg 170 pp. (2014)2014 = Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg, 2014
Die als Biofouling bezeichnete Besiedelung fester, von Wasser bedeckter, Oberflächen stellt in vielerlei Hinsicht ein großes Problem dar. Eine Möglichkeit, wirksame und dennoch umweltverträgliche Gegenstrategien zu entwickeln, besteht darin, die Funktionsweise der biologischen Klebstoffe zu verstehen, mithilfe derer die Foulingorganismen auf ihren Substraten adhärieren [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Sprenger, M.
High-Energy Scattering in strongly coupled $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills Theory
This thesis concerns itself with the analytic structure of scattering amplitudes in stronglycoupled N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory (abbreviated N = 4 SYM) in the multi-Reggelimit. Through the AdS/CFT-correspondence observables in strongly coupled N = 4 SYMare accessible via dual calculations in a weakly coupled string theory on an AdS_5×S^5 -geometry, in which observables can be calculated using standard perturbation theory. [...]
Report/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
van Vliet, A. R.
Propagation of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays and their secondaries with CRPropa
Due to experiments like the Pierre Auger Observatory (Auger) and the Telescope Array (TA), high-statistics data is becoming available on the energy spectrum, the composition and the arrival directions of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs, cosmic rays with energies above $\sim 10^{17}$ eV). To interpret this data in terms of actual astrophysical parameters, or to test astrophysical models against the measured data, dedicated simulations of the propagation of UHECRs from their sources to Earth are needed. [...]
OpenAccess: ARvanVliet_PhDThesis -
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
von Seggern, J. E.
Constraining Weakly Interacting Slim Particles with a Massive Star and in the Laboratory
This doctoral thesis is devoted to constraining the allowed parameter space of weakly interacting slim particles (WISPs). WISPs are predicted by many extensions of the Standard Model of Particle Physics (SM): The Peccei-Quinn solution of the strong CP-problem of quantum chromo dynamics requires the existence of an axion; some embeddings of the SM into string theories predict a large number of axion-like particles (ALPs), the so called axi-verse, and hidden photons (HPs). [...]
Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Wessels, P.
Time-resolved imaging of magnetic nanostructures in the visible and soft X-ray spectral range
München : Verlag Dr. Hut (2014)2014 = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2014
To unravel the nature of magnetism, an investigation at its fundamental length- and time-scales has to be tackled. Besides pure research interest of the processes occurring in nanoscopic magnetic systems in the femto- and picosecond range, advancing knowledge experiences promising applications toward faster non-volatile memory devices with increased data storage density. [...]
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Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Xu, C.
Study of the Silicon Photomultipliers and Their Applications in Positron Emission Tomography
This thesis deals with silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) used in scintillation detectors and their applicationsin positron emission tomography (PET). The study of the SiPM is mainly focused on the application to theproposed EndoTOFPET-US detector, which is a multi-modality PET detector facilitating the developmentof new biomarkers for pancreas and prostate cancers.A Monte Carlo simulation tool is developed for the optimization of the detector’s single channel design.In order to obtain a 200 ps system coincidence time resolution and maximize the detector sensitivity, therequirements for the crystal geometry, light yield and SiPM photon detection efficiency are specifiedbased on the simulation study. [...]
Report/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Zhang, D.
Femtosecond Structural Dynamics on the Atomic Length Scale
126 pp. (2014)2014 = Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2013
This thesis reports on the development and application of two different but complementary ultrafast electron diffraction setups built at the Max Planck Research Department for Structural Dynamics. One is an ultra-compact femtosecond electron diffraction (FED) setup (Egun300), which is currently operational (with a maximum electron energy of 150 keV) and provides ultrashort (~300 fs) and bright (~10 e/um^(2)) electron bunches. [...]