[DESY-2014-02011] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Struktur und Kinetik thermoresponsiver Hydrogele
Garching : Technische Universität München () = Technische Universität München, Diss., 2012  GO
[DESY-2014-01711] Master Thesis

Polyethylene-induced structural modification in ternary polymer blends used in organic photovoltaics
Technische Universität München, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
[DESY-2014-02153] Bachelor Thesis

Kontraktionsdynamik und funktionelle Morphologie des Kalkschwammes Clathrina clathrus
Jena () = Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Bachelorarbeit, 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-26246] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Solvothermale Synthese modifizierter Polyoxovanadate
Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Diss., 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-26543] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Studies of Li-Ion Battery Materials During Cycling In Situ and of Glasses
University of Kent, Diss., 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-23126] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Measurement of $D^{*\pm}$ meson production in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2012-045] = Hamburg University, Diss., 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2013-00937] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Fluoreszenz bei hohen Drücken: Eine neue Methode zur Temperaturbestimmung in Experimenten in Diamantstempelzellen
Frankfurt am Main : Universität Frankfurt () = Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Diss., 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-22180] Report/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Measurement of differential $t\bar{t}$ cross sections in the dilepton decay channels with the CMS detector at 7\,TeV centre-of-mass energy
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2012-037] = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-22362] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Characterization and control of femtosecond electron and X-ray beams at free-electron lasers.
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2012-038] = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
X-ray free-electron lasers (FELs) open up new frontiers in photon science, and in order to take full advantage of these unique accelerator-based light sources, the characterization and control of the femtosecond electron and X-ray beams is essential. Within this cumulative thesis, recent results achieved within the active research field of femtosecond electron and X-ray beams at FELs are reported. [...]
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[PHPPUBDB-25318] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
X-ray diffraction from single GaAs nanowires
University of Siegen, Diss., 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-24913] Master Thesis
Untersuchung von Strahlensch\"{a}den durch R\"{o}ntgenstrahlen in nat\"{u}rlichen und synthetischen Polyamiden.
Kiel () = Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
[DESY-2014-02268] Master Thesis

Untersuchung von Strahlenschäden durch Röntgenstrahlen in natürlichen und synthetischen Polyamiden
Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-22017] Report/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Gravitinos and hidden supersymmetry at the LHC
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2012-032] = University of Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
We investigate phenomenological consequences of locally supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model consistent with primordial nucleosynthesis, leptogenesis and dark matter constraints. An unequivocal prediction of local supersymmetry is the existence of the grav- itino, the spin-3/2 superpartner of the graviton. [...]
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21709] Report/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Exclusive Search for Supersymmetry with Same-Flavour Di-Lepton Final States with the ATLAS Detector
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2012-022] = University of Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-23088] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Resummation of soft and hard gluon radiation in perturbative QCD
arXiv.org () = Genova, Diss., 2012  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-22261] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Crystallization of Nanoscaled Colloids
Universität des Saarlandes Saarbrücken, Diss., 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-19851] Report/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
A Supersymmetric Standard Model from a Local $\mathrm{E_6}$ GUT
DESY Thesis 176 pp. () [10.3204/DESY-THESIS-2012-005] = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2012  GO
In this thesis we have investigated to what extent the exceptional Lie-group E 6 can serve as unified gauge group. In the presence of the full E 6 matter content, unification can be realized by increasing the degree of gauge symmetry above some intermediate scale. [...]
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21792] Bachelor Thesis
Optimierung der Photonenselektion f\"{u}r die Suche nach dem Zerfall des Higgsbosons in zwei leichte CP-ungerade Skalare
University of Hamburg, Bachelorarbeit, 2012  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-25267] Master Thesis
Luminescent properties of the rear earth solid solutions of vanadates
National Glukhiv Pedagogical University, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-24968] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Verhalten funktionalisierter Nanopartikel an Grenzschichten mit Polymerb\"{u}rsten
TU Dresden, Diss., 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-25270] Master Thesis
Own and impure luminescence of the zirconium pyrophosphates.
National Glukhiv Pedagogical University, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
[DESY-2014-01718] Master Thesis

Sol-gel templated Zinc oxide films for application in hybrid photovoltaics
Technische Universität München, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
[PUBDB-2017-136394] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

A flavour of family symmetries in a family of flavour models
Leiden : Leiden Univ., Casimir PhD series 2012-3 198 pages () = University of Leiden, Diss., 2012  GO
HH   530. 142 de A 1 available Find similar...
[PHPPUBDB-24322] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Lunar evolution: a combined numerical modelling and HPT experimental study
Utrecht : Utrecht University () = Utrecht University, Diss., 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-24876] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Structural and molecular studies of biocatalysts implicated in hemicellulose degradation
National Technical University of Athens, Greece, Diss., 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-23869] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Spatially resolved studies in Direct Methanol Fuel Cells
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Diss., 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-22663] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Measurement of the $\it D^{*\pm}$ Meson Production Cross Section at Low and Medium $\it Q^2$ with the H1 Detector at HERA
[DESY-THESIS-2012-044; h1th-747]
Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012[10.3204/PHPPUBDB-22663]  GO
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[PUBDB-2017-137059] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Measurement of the inclusive jet cross section with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider
Heidelberg : Springer, Springer theses 158 pages () = University of Oxford, Diss., 2012  GO
This thesis presents the measurement of the inclusive jet cross section using data collected in 2010 by the ATLAS detector, with a particular focus on the reconstruction and calibration techniques used for jets in this measurement and on the estimate of the systematic uncertainty on their energy scale. The inclusive jet cross section measurement is used as input to fits of parton distribution functions. [...]
HH   539. 7548 Dog 1 available Find similar...
[PHPPUBDB-26213] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Structural and functional studies of the spliceosomal RNP remodeling enzyme Brr2
University Göttingen, Diss., 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-23576] Bachelor Thesis
Elektronenspektroskopie bei Photon-Atom-Wechselwirkungen mit Synchrotronstrahlung
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Bachelorarbeit, 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-24216] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Untersuchung von Grenzflaechen zwischen zwei Fluessigkeiten mittels Roentgenstreumethoden
Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet Kiel, Diss., 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-18635] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Momentum Bias Determination in the Tracker Alignment and First Differential $t\bar{t}$ Cross Section Measurement at CMS
Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012[10.3204/PHPPUBDB-18635]  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-25513] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Seltenerd-dotierte Oxidkristalle f\"{u}r Festk\"{o}rperlaser im sichtbaren Spektralbereich
Shaker () = Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-22111] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Limits on neutrino oscillations in the CNGS neutrino beam and event classification with the OPERA detector
Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012[10.3204/PHPPUBDB-22111]  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-23662] Master Thesis
Strukturanalyse von d\"{u}nnen organischen Heteroschichten mittels Synchrotronstrahlung
LMU München, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-26211] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Strahlcharakterisierung von Freie-Elektronen-Lasern im weichen R\"{o}ntgen-Spektralbereich
G\"{o}ttingen Series in X-ray Physics () = Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Diss., 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21327] Master Thesis/Internal Report
Interference Effects in the MSSM in a Generalised Narrow-Width Approximation
DESY Thesis () = Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-22273] Master Thesis
The chiral magnetic effect in a strongly-coupled anisotropic plasma
Hamburg : DESY () = Hamburg University, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-24820] Master Thesis
Analysis of Transverse-Momentum Distributions of Hadrons Produced in Deep-Inelastic Scattering
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
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[DESY-2014-02267] Bachelor Thesis

Eigenspannungsanalyse an reibrührgeschweißten Stahlblechen mit hochenergetischer Synchrotronstrahlung
Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Bachelorarbeit, 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21005] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Photons, Missing Energy and the Quest for Supersymmetry at the LHC
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-21005] = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2014-01934] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Multiferroicity in oxide thin films and heterostructures
Jülich : Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Zentralbibliothek, Verlag, Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich Reihe Schlüsseltechnologien / Key Technologies 45 () = Techn. Hochsch., Diss., 2012  GO
In this work a variety of different systems of transition metal oxides ABO3 (perovskite materials,where B stands for a transition metal and A for a rare earth element) were producedas thin films and heterostructures and analyzed for the structural, magnetic and ferroelectricproperties. For the epitaxial film preparation mostly pules laser deposition (PLD) wasapplied. [...]
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-22081] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Alignment des Driftröhrendetektors am Neutrino-Oszillationsexperiment OPERA
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-22081] = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-23571] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Structural and functional studies of restriction endonucleases EcoRII, BfiI and Bse634I
Vilnius : Vilnius University () = Vilnius University, Diss., 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21194] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Transverse Momentum of Charged Particles in Low-$Q^{2}$ DIS at HERA
[DESY-THESIS-2012-007; h1th-700]
Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2012[10.3204/PHPPUBDB-21194]  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-22637] Diploma Thesis/Internal Report
Transverse emittance measurement at REGAE via a solenoid scan
DESY Thesis () = Universität Hamburg, Diplomarbeit, 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-23694] Master Thesis
Commissioning and LED system tests of the engineering prototype of the analog hadronic calorimeter of the CALICE collaboration
1-107 () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-23694] = Masterarbeit, BU Wuppertal, 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21692] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Towards a Consistent Cosmology with Supersymmetry and Leptogenesis
Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012[10.3204/PHPPUBDB-21692]  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21929] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Measurement of Associated $\mathrm{Z^0}$-Boson and b-Jet Production in Proton-Proton Collisions with the CMS Experiment
DESY Thesis 268 pp. () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-21929] = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21610] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
From Landscape to Inflationary Perturbations
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-21610] = Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2012  GO
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[PUBDB-2015-02994] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report

Site Specific X-ray Induced Changes in Organic and Metal Organic Compounds and their Influence on Global Radiation damage
180 pp. () = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
[PUBDB-2017-01702] Master Thesis

Studies on orbit response matrices at the high-gain free electron laser FLASH
1-68 () = University of Hamburg, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
This thesis studied error sources of the optics at FLASH using the analysis of orbit response matrices. Apart from the interpretation of comprehensive data recorded at 6 measurement shifts, developing and implementing an orbit response data pro- cessing and fitting tool was a major concern. [...]
[PHPPUBDB-21546] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
X-ray diffraction studies of semiconductor nanostructures
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Diss., 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-22583] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Coherence Effects in the Valence Photoionization of Small Molecules
OPUS - Online Publikationsverbund der Region Stuttgart () = TU Berlin, Diss., 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21733] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Investigation of Slice Emittance Using an Energy-chirped Electron Beam in a Dispersive Section for Photo Injector Characterization at PITZ
DESY Thesis () = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-24559] Book/Report/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Investigation of slice emittance using energy-chirped electron beam in a dispersive section for photo injector characterization at PITZ.
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY THESIS 133 pp. () = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2012  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-24262] Diploma Thesis
Modeling the multi-wavelength emission of supernova remnants: spectral properties of W51C as observed with MAGIC
Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Diplomarbeit, 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-26402] Bachelor Thesis
Beugungsuntersuchungen des Ausscheidungsverhaltens von mikrolegierten Staehlen mit Hochenergie-Synchrotronstrahlung
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Bachelorarbeit, 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21452] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Measurement of $e+p$ Neutral Current Deep Inelastic Scattering with a Longitudinally Polarised Positron Beam and X-Ray Radiation Damage for Silicon Sensors
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-21452] = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2012  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-20970] Master Thesis
Reaktives Wachstum von Praseodymoxidschichten auf Bor-passivierten Silizium(111)-Oberflächen
Universität Osnabrück, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21282] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Measurement of the $W\to\tau\nu_{\tau}$ cross section in proton-proton collisions at ATLAS and the development of the HepMCAnalysis Tool
[CERN-THESIS-2012-045; DESY-THESIS-2012-009]
Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2012[10.3204/PHPPUBDB-21282]  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-23258] Bachelor Thesis/Internal Report
Investigation of the influence of crystal quality on Borrmann spectroscopy
Uni Hamburg, Bachelorarbeit, 2012  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-23832] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
A Dedicated Endstation for Waveguide-based X-Ray Imaging
Göttingen : Göttinger Universitätsverlag () = Göttingen, Diss., 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21479] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Measurement of the Z Boson production with the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC
Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2012[10.3204/PHPPUBDB-21479]  GO
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[PUBDB-2017-136996] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Glueball properties from the Bethe-Salpeter equation
Berlin : Logos-Verl. 175 pages () = Techn. University, Diss., 2012  GO
HH   539. 754801530143 Kel 1 available Find similar...
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21948] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Search for Supersymmetry in Tau Final States at ATLAS and Constraints on New Physics Using Electroweak Precision Data
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-21948] = Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-23677] Diploma Thesis/Internal Report
Measurement of the Top-Antitop and $Z^0$-Boson Production Cross Sections and Their Ratio in the Dileptonic Decay Channels at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the CMS Experiment
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-23677] = Hamburg, Diplomarbeit, 2012  GO
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[PUBDB-2017-133553] Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Charm production in deep inelastic scattering: Mellin moments of heavy flavor contributions to F(2)(x,Q**2) at NNLO
[DESY-THESIS-2009-034; arXiv:0910.3101]
Berlin : Springer, Springer theses XIII, 241 pages () [10.1007/978-3-642-23286-2] = Dissertation, Technische Universität Dortmund, 2012  GO
The production of heavy quarks in high-energy experiments offers a rich field to study, both experimentally and theoretically. Due to the additional quark mass, the description of these processes in the framework of perturbative QCD is much more demanding than it is for those involving only massless partons. [...]
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HH   539. 72167 Kle 1 available Find similar... ZEU   E Kle 1 available Find similar...
OpenAccess [PUBDB-2016-01876] Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Mellin Moments of Heavy Flavor Contributions to $F_2(x,Q^2)$ at NNLO
[DESY-THESIS-2009-034; arXiv:0910.3101]
Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg 207 pp. () [10.1007/978-3-642-23286-2] = Dissertation, Technische Universität Dortmund, 2012  GO
This thesis is concerned with the calculation of fixed moments of the $O(a_s^3)$ heavy flavor contributions to the Wilson coefficients of the structure function $F_2(x,Q^2)$ in the limit $Q^2 >> m^2$, neglecting power corrections. The massive Wilson coefficients in the asymptotic region are given as convolutions of massive operator matrix elements (OMEs) and the known light flavor Wilson coefficients. [...]
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[PHPPUBDB-24944] Bachelor Thesis
Electronic structure and spectroscopic properties of MIMIII(Mo$O_{4})_{2}$ (MI = Li, Na, K, MIII = Bi, Fe, Y) crystals
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Bachelorarbeit, 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-25758] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Imaging of Complex Systems by Using Selected Spectroscopic Methods
Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Diss., 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-25010] Diploma Thesis
Untersuchungen zur Fokussierbarkeit von harter R\"{o}ntgenstrahlung mittels Multischicht-Laue-Linsen
Technische Universität Dresden, Diplomarbeit, 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-24715] Master Thesis
DNA condensation with cationic liposomes
Comenius University, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-20112] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
High-resolution micro computed tomography of tumor tissue
University of Basel, Diss., 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-26472] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Topography of Semiconductor Heterostructures
Aalto University, Diss., 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-24188] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Measurement of transverse single-spin asymmetries in inclusive electroproduction at HERMES
[DESY THESIS-2012-049; HERMES-12-008]
Universiteit Gent, Diss., 2012[10.3204/PHPPUBDB-24188]  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-23591] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Light converting materials from ionic liquids
Ruhr Universität Bochum, Diss., 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-24942] Bachelor Thesis
Electronic structure and optical properties of alkali and polyvalent metal cation molybdates
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Bachelorarbeit, 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-24716] Master Thesis
Cationic liposomes as DNA delivery vesicles - physico-chemical properties
Comenius University, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
[DESY-2014-02266] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Residual stress analysis and fatigue behavior of mechanically surface treated titanium alloys
Geesthacht 131 pp. () = Dissertation, Technische Universität Clausthal, 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-24457] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Luminosity Measurements with the ATLAS Detector
Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-24899] Master Thesis/Internal Report
Simulation and characterization of the RF system and global stability analysis at the REGAE linear electron accelerator
DESY Thesis () = Universität Hamburg, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
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[DESY-2014-01701] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Novel Structuring Routines for Organic Photovoltaics
Technische Universität München, Diss., 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-19879] Diploma Thesis
Oxidation von Legierungsnanopartikeln untersucht mit in-situ R\"{o}ntgenbeugung
University of Siegen, Diplomarbeit, 2012  GO
[DESY-2014-01710] Diploma Thesis

Ternary Polymer Blends for Applications in Organic Photovoltaics
Technische Universität München, Diplomarbeit, 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-25085] Diploma Thesis
Strukturbestimmung von ausgew\"{a}hlten Selten-Erd-Verbindungen unter Nutzung der DAFS-Methode
Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Diplomarbeit, 2012  GO
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[DESY-2014-01712] Master Thesis

Influence of fluorine content in manipulating the nanomorphology of novel PTB7:PC71BM system
Technische Universität München, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21480] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Search for Supersymmetry with Jets, Missing Transverse Momentum, and a Single Tau at CMS
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-21480] = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-25071] Master Thesis
; ; ; et al
Wplyw ligandow zewnetrznych na wlasciwosci fizyko-chemiczne zelazoporfiryn
Jagiellonian University, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-22366] Bachelor Thesis
Charakterisierung von Ultrakurzpulslasern und Vergleich der Messger\"{a}te: GRENOUILLE und SRIFA.
Universität Hamburg, Bachelorarbeit, 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21951] Master Thesis
Correlation Between the Mechanical Cycling Behavior and Microstructure in Laser Welded Joints Using NiTi Shape Memory Alloys
MONTE DE CAPARICA : FCT/UNL () = Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
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[DESY-2014-02265] Master Thesis

Structural characterization by x-ray diffraction of laser welded shape memory alloys
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-23831] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Wave optical simulations of x-ray nano-focusing optics
G\" {o}ttingen Series in X-ray Physics () = Göttingen, Diss., 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-25315] Master Thesis
Structural Study of Doped CdSe Nanowires Using X-ray Scattering Method
University of Siegen, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-19673] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Geochemical partitioning of copper in Champagne vineyard soils: an approach based on synthetic models of increasing complexity.
Reims Champagne-Ardenne University, Diss., 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PUBDB-2015-02826] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
; ;
Alternating-gradient focusing of large neutral molecules
123 pp. () [10.3204/PUBDB-2015-02826] = Freie Universität Berlin, Dissertation, 2012  GO
This thesis describes experiments using a second generation alternating-gradient (AG) focuser for large molecules. A beam of polar molecules is focused and transported through the switched electric fields of the quadrupole. [...]
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[PHPPUBDB-25234] Diploma Thesis
Elektronische Struktur des Zinkoxid:Nickel Komposits
Christian Albrechts Universität zu Kiel, Diplomarbeit, 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-24594] Bachelor Thesis
Messung der Nachweiseigenschaften neuartiger Diamantsensoren f\"{u}r ionisierende Strahlung
BTU Cottbus, Bachelorarbeit, 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-25332] Diploma Thesis
Hochauflösende Bildgebung mit chemischem Kontrast durch Ptychographie
Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany, Diplomarbeit, 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-20317] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism in locally covariant field theory
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-20317] = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [DESY-2014-02010] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report

Infrared ellipsometry study of the lattice and charge dynamics in bulk $SrTiO_{3}$, thin $SrTiO_{3}$ films, and $LaAlO_{3}/SrTiO_{3}$ heterostructures
[UniFR 1767]
Fribourg, CH : University of Fribourg, CH () = University of Fribourg, CH, Diss., 2012  GO
Strontium titanate (SrTiO3) is a material which is often used as a substrate material for the growth of thin film samples. The material exhibits a variety of interesting physical properties which determine the fascinating effects observed in heterostructure samples based on SrTiO3. [...]
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[PHPPUBDB-25344] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Multiple Ionization of Heavy Atoms by Intense X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Pulses
Heidelberg, Diss., 2012  GO
[DESY-2014-01702] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Morphology of polymer-based films for organic photovoltaics
Technische Universität München, Diss., 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-22598] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Effective Action of Heterotic Compactification on K3 with non-trivial Gauge Bundles
Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012[10.3204/PHPPUBDB-22598]  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-20960] Diploma Thesis
Design and Characterization of fast X-ray Cameras for X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Experiments
Hamburg : DESY () = TU Dresden, Diplomarbeit, 2012  GO
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[DESY-2014-01709] Diploma Thesis

Phase Behavior of P3HT/PCBM Blends
Technische Universität München, Diplomarbeit, 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21670] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
An Analytic Parton Shower: Algorithms, Implementation and Validation
Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2012[10.3204/PHPPUBDB-21670]  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-22291] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
The $B$$-$$L$ Phase Transition: Implications for Cosmology and Neutrinos
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-22291] = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-26303] Master Thesis
Photokatalytische Eigenschaften von $TiO_2$ Systemen
Universität Rostock, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-22450] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Quality of Jet Measurements and Impact on a Search for New Physics at CMS
[CMS-TS-2012/040; DESY-THESIS-2012-042]
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-22450] = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
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[DESY-2014-01595] Master Thesis

Oxidation dielektrischer Schichten durch Sauerstoffplasma
Universität Osnabrück, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21890] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
QCD Processes and Search for Supersymmetry at the LHC
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-21890] = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21990] Bachelor Thesis/Internal Report
Strukturanalyse eines Biege-Kipp-Tisches mittels Finite-Elemente-Methode.
DESY Thesis () = TH Wildau, Bachelorarbeit, 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-22348] Diploma Thesis/Internal Report
Sapphire Capillaries for Laser-Driven Wakefield Acceleration in Plasma - fs-laser micromachining and characterization.
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-22348] = Universität Hamburg, Diplomarbeit, 2012  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-24013] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Luminescence, electronic excitations and defects in bulk and fiber lithium orthoborate crystals
Yekaterinburg : Ural Federal University () = Ural Federal University, Diss., 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-26245] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Solvothermale Synthese neuartiger, funktionalisierter Thioantimonate
Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Diss., 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-25335] Bachelor Thesis
Strahlanalyse durch Ptychographie
Technische Universität Dresden, Bachelorarbeit, 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-23725] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Structural ordering in block copolymer thin films
Garching : TU München () = TU München, Diss., 2012  GO
[DESY-2014-02014] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Structural ordering in block copolymer thin films
Technische Universität München, Diss., 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-25943] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Measurement of the Neutral Current Reaction at high $\it Q^{2}$ in the H1 Experiment at HERA II
[DESY-THESIS-2012-053; h1th-792]
Ludwig Maximilians Uni München, Diss., 2012[10.3204/PHPPUBDB-25943]  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-24777] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Zeitaufgel\"{o}ste Messungen mit ultrakurzen XUV-Pulsen des freie-Elektronen-Lasers "FLASH"
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Diss., 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-26309] Master Thesis
Ensembles of magnetic nanoparticles: preparation and simulation
Universität Rostock, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21193] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Inclusive Diffractive Cross Sections in Deep Inelastic $ep$ Scattering at HERA
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-21193] = Università degli Studi di Torino, Diss., 2012  GO
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[DESY-2014-02264] Master Thesis

In situ Phasenanalyse von Dy-haltigen Magnesiumlegierungen mittels hochenergetischer Synchrotron-strahlung
Kiel () = Kiel, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
[DESY-2014-02016] Bachelor Thesis

Charakterisierung ultrananokristalliner Diamantschichten mittels Kleinwinkelröntgenstreuung
Technische Universität München, Bachelorarbeit, 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-24595] Bachelor Thesis
Vermessung von Siliziumsensoren fuer das Upgrade des CMS-Detektors
BTU Cottbus, Bachelorarbeit, 2012[10.3204/PHPPUBDB-24595]  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21786] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Search for SUSY in Same-Sign Di-Lepton Events with the CMS Detector
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-21786] = Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PUBDB-2019-02995] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
; ;
Search for SUSY in Same-Sign Di-LeptonEvents with the CMS Detector
160 pp. () [10.3204/PUBDB-2019-02995] = Dissertation, Hamburg University, 2012  GO
In this thesis a search for new physics is presented, based on events with two isolated same sign leptons (muons and electrons), jets, and missing transverse energy. The analyzed data corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 1.1 fb$^{-1}$ and is collected with the CMSdetector in proton-proton collisions at the LHC with a center-of-mass energy of 7TeV. [...]
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OpenAccess [DESY-2014-01481] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Measurement of high-$Q^2$ neutral current cross-sections with longitudinally polarised positrons with the ZEUS detector
Hamburg : DESY () [10.3204/DESY-2014-01481] = Dissertation, University of Toronto, 2012  GO
Measurement of High-Q2 Neutral Current Cross-sections with Longitudinally Polarised Positrons with the ZEUS DetectorTrevor P. StewartDoctor of PhilosophyGraduate Department of Department of PhysicsUniversity of Toronto2012The cross sections for neutral current (NC) deep inelastic scattering (DIS) in e+ p collisions with a longitudinally polarised positron beam are measured at high momentumtransfer squared (Q2>185 GeV2) at the ZEUS detector at HERA. [...]
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[PHPPUBDB-25268] Master Thesis
The spectroscopy of the europium doped double bismuth phosphates
National Glukhiv Pedagogical University, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-19459] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Femtosecond Resolved Diagnostics for Electron Beam and XUV Seed Temporal Overlap at sFLASH.
DESY Thesis () = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-20321] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
PLD-Grown Thin Film Saturable Absorbers
Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-24325] Master Thesis
Einsatz eines supraleitenden Energiespeichers zur Primärregelung bei DESY
Hamburg : DESY () = Fernuniversität in Hagen, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21410] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Search for Supersymmetry in the Hadronic Channel with Data from the CMS Experiment
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-21410] = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
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[DESY-2014-01624] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Lattice expansion in optically excited InAs/GaAs quantum dots
Dortmund : TU Dortmund () = TU Dortmund, Diss., 2012  GO
[PUBDB-2017-137346] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Top quark pair production cross-section in proton-proton collisions at s**(1/2) = 7 TeV
Amsterdam : NIKHEF 188 pages () = University of Amsterdam, Diss., 2012  GO
With proton beams colliding at an energy of 7 TeV in the center-of-mass (8 TeV in 2012), the Large Hadron Collider allows physicists to experimentally access regions of the phase-space that were previously unexplored.In this thesis, the cross-section of the top-antitop quark pair was measured, namely how often the top-antitop quark pair is produced, by identifying those topologies with a single-lepton in their final state.The top quark is the heaviest elementary particle known to date, and due to its mass it is expected to play an important role in understanding the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism, the procedure with which particles gain mass. The top-antitop quark pair cross-section is the first step towards gaining a better understanding of the top quark physics at the energies provided by the LHC. [...]
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21197] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Luminescence centers in phosphors based on iodides and bromides of cesium activated by thallium, europium and copper
Lviv () = Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Diss., 2012  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-25334] Bachelor Thesis
R{\"o}ntgenmikroskopie mittels R{\"o}ntgenfluoreszenzanalyse
Technische Universität Dresden, Bachelorarbeit, 2012  GO
[DESY-2014-02152] Bachelor Thesis

Prinzipien der Kanalsystemarchitektur und der Strömungsverhältnisse von Spongilla lacustris
Jena () = Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Bachelorarbeit, 2012  GO
[PUBDB-2017-07058] Bachelor Thesis
Prinzipien der Kanalsystemarchitektur und der Strömungsverhältnisse von Spongilla lacustris
48 pp. () = Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Bachelorarbeit, 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-22364] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Echtzeitbestimmung longitudinaler Elektronenstrahlparameter mittels absoluter Intensit\"{a}ts- und Spektralmessung einzelner koh\"{a}renter THz Strahlungspulse.
DESY Thesis () = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-23569] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Formation of organic and inorganic thin films at the aqueous solution-gas interface
TU Dortmund, Diss., 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-23520] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
Combinatorial and Off-Shell Effects in New Physics Cascades
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-23520] = University of Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-25964] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Search for new physics in diphoton and Etmiss final states using the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21469] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
A high repetition rate XUV seeding source for FLASH2
Hamburg : DESY () = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-25504] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Characterisation of Bimetallic Alloy and Core-Shell Electrocatalysts
University of Southampton, Diss., 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21832] Master Thesis
R\"{o}ntgenographische Eigenspannungsmessung an Schneidkeramiken
TU Hamburg-Harburg, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
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[DESY-2014-02263] Master Thesis

Röntgenographische Eigenspannungsmessungen an Schneidkeramiken
Hamburg : TU HH () = Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Masterarbeit, 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-22336] Dissertation / PhD Thesis/Internal Report
A Robust Fibre Laser System for Electro-Optic Electron Bunch Profile Measurements at FLASH.
DESY Thesis () = Universität Hamburg, Diss., 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21535] Diploma Thesis/Internal Report
Electro-Optic Sampling of THz Pulses at the CTR Source at FLASH.
DESY Thesis () = Universität Hamburg, Diplomarbeit, 2012  GO
OpenAccess: steffen_wunderlich_diplom - Download fulltextPDF; desy-thesis-12-017.title - Download fulltextPS.GZ Download fulltextPDF (PDFA);
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-24848] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Development of a Prototype Photoacoustic Microscope and Spectroscope and Advanced Semiconductor Material Characterization
Dublin City University, Diss., 2012  GO
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OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-21335] Diploma Thesis/Internal Report
Suppression of COTR in Electron Beam Imaging Diagnosis at FLASH.
DESY Thesis () = Universität Hamburg, Diplomarbeit, 2012  GO
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[DESY-2014-01591] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Hydrogenation of tetralin on bimetallic Pt-Pd catalysts
München () = Technische Universität München, Diss., 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-23927] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Massive loop corrections for collider physics
Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Diss., 2012  GO
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[PHPPUBDB-25780] Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Phase-Change Materials: Structure, vibrational states and thermodynamics of crystallization
RWTH Aachen, Diss., 2012  GO
[DESY-2014-01703] Dissertation / PhD Thesis

Structure and transition behavior of novel thermo-responsive polymer films
Technische Universität München, Diss., 2012  GO
[PHPPUBDB-23755] Diploma Thesis
Thermisch induzierter Gastransport in por\"{o}sen Materialien
Würzburg, Diplomarbeit, 2012  GO
OpenAccess [PHPPUBDB-19137] Master Thesis
Optimisation of Searches for Supersymmetry with the ATLAS Detector
DESY Thesis () [10.3204/PHPPUBDB-19137] = Masterarbeit, University Hamburg, 2012  GO
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