Printing Proceedings at DESY

Print Request
You can request printing proceedings at DESY by contacting Maren Stein.

Please submit a Proceedings record to the PubDB with as much information as you have. If possible give us a program or web-page. At the bottom of the form (Additional information for library) please give us information if you want online-only Proceedings or a printed version. In the later case we need the number of copies and a "Kostenstelle".

Set the record to 'postpone' and send an email to Maren Stein / l.publishing.

You will get a DOI, DESY-PROC number and an ISBN number.

We need one pdf file for the content.

Make sure all pages have the same layout. Especially if preface, table of content and articles are patched together from different sources. Odd/even pages might be shifted. This depends on the printer and can be adjusted.

Check that nothing (esp. figures, formula) extends beyond the text-size. Since authors print on A4/letter paper they often don't realize that the paper will be cut for the book.

Usually we print in black and white up to A4 size.
However, we recommend book format, about 240mm x 170mm.

We need one pdf file for the cover.

The cover will be printed in color. For the back you can count 11.4mm per 100 sheets/200 pages.

Online Version

The complete pdf and the single articles will be published Open Access via the PubDB. We will register DOIs pointing to the abstract-page of the PubDB record.

The following templates are optimized for book format. You are free to use your own layout.

All necessary templates and style files are included in the download archiv and are available at /afs/

For the article

The template serves also as author instructions.
Please update the text and distribute it to the authors.

If you give the conference acronym in \acronym{VIP08} it will appear at the bottom of the page together with the page number.

We will register DOIs for the single articles and the DOI will be printed in the article. To do so we need \desyproc{DESY-PROC-2008-xx} and \contribID{smith\_joe} either as file name or Indico contribution number.
In the version of desyproc.sty distributed to the authors the line
{\bfseries DOI:} {\texttt will be assigned}
should be active. Otherwise wrong DOIs might appear on arXiv. For the final processing the line
{\bfseries DOI:} {\texttt\@desyproc/\@contribID}
should be active. The DOIs will be registered when the proceedings are finished.

For the complete document

The main difference between fancy and simple are page headings of author name and title of the article in the combined pdf. In any case an article is included like

\coltoctitle{LaTeX template for DESY proceedings}
\coltocauthor{Joe Smith, Ruth Miller}

The table of content is generated from this information by \tableofcontents. These snipets of tex are created by from the tex source, input is a list of file names. also creates a file toc.spires which we ask you to send us for uploading the articles to INSPIRE.

The single articles are cropped in a way that the page number is replaced by the page number of the combined document.

You are free to play with the layout as long as the text of the introductory text aligns with the text of the articles.

Run pdflatex combine to produce the combined pdf.

In case of problems or questions please contact:
Kirsten Sachs
Phone: 1530
application/pdf proc.pdf (261KB)
Demo - Author and Editor Instuctions
application/pdf smith_joe.pdf (99KB)
Authors instructions
text/x-tex smith_joe.tex (10KB)
Authors template
application/postscript smith_joe.fig1.eps (98KB)
Sample figure
text/x-tex combine_fancy.tex (6KB)
Full document - fancy style - template
text/x-tex combine_simple.tex (6KB)
Full document - simple style - template
text/x-tex desyproc.cls (2KB)
Class file - DESY proceedings
text/x-tex truncate.sty (6KB)
Style file - truncate
text/x-tex desyhead.sty (1KB)
Style file - desyhead
text/plain toc.txt (54Bytes)
List of files - ToC
application/x-perl (4KB)
Perl script - create ToC
application/gzip desyproc.tar.gz (433KB)
Archiv: all files for download