femto - The DESY research magazine

The DESY research magazine offers a wide variety of topics about research on DESY campus. The spectrum ranges from the origins of the universe and the hidden dimensions of the quantum world to live recordings of atoms and molecules in new materials and biological systems. Subscribe to the femto mailinglist!

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Research for the Energy Transition
Femto 21(02), 44 p. () [10.3204/PUBDB-2022-00167]  GO OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

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The hidden universe: Multi-messenger astronomy offers a glimpse of invisible worlds
Femto 21(01), () [10.3204/PUBDB-2022-00180]  GO OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

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The strangest liquid in the world: water amazes scientists time and again
Femto 20(2), 44 pages () [10.3204/PUBDB-2021-00892]  GO OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

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60 years of DESY: 1959 - 2019 anniversary issue
Femto 20(1), 58 pages () [10.3204/PUBDB-2021-00891]  GO OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

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Dark Matter
Femto 19(2), 42 pages () [10.3204/PUBDB-2021-00914]  GO OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

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The perfect wave: physicists are devising the next generation of particle accelerators
Femto 19(1), 42 pages () [10.3204/PUBDB-2021-00916]  GO OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

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Extreme!: Physics under high pressure
Femto 18(1), () [10.3204/PUBDB-2021-04581]  GO OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

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Think anew!: How does innovation arise?
Femto 17(2), () [10.3204/PUBDB-2021-04582]  GO OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

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Ultrafast Physics: When a wingbeat lasts forever
Femto 17(1), () [10.3204/PUBDB-2021-04583]  GO OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

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Cosmic particle accelerators: Astrophysicists explore the high-energy universe
Femto 16(3), () [10.3204/PUBDB-2021-04584]  GO OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

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NANO: Will millionths of a millimetre be the yardstick of the future?
Femto 16(2), () [10.3204/PUBDB-2021-04585]  GO OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

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The super X-ray laser: The European XFEL is a high-speed camera, a supermicroscope and a planet simulator rolled into one
Femto 16(1), () [10.3204/PUBDB-2021-04586]  GO OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

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In the light of research: Atoms in X-ray vision, a universe full of gamma radiation
Femto 15(2), () [10.3204/PUBDB-2021-04587]  GO OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

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Big data: What use is the deluge of data?
Femto 15(1), () [10.3204/PUBDB-2021-04588]  GO OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

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Show Yourself: The world’s biggest particle accelerator, the LHC, is looking for SUSY particles, the building blocks of a new understanding of the universe
Femto 14(2), () [10.3204/PUBDB-2021-04589]  GO OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

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Infections viewed with X-ray vision: Structural biology is opening new paths for the development of medications
Femto 14(1), () [10.3204/PUBDB-2021-04590]  GO OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS