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Open Access Publication Funding / 2
DESY Library is happy to announce that also our application for the second phase of Open Access Publication Funding was successful as the application "...builds on very good preliminary work and convinces overall with a resilient work program.” This enables us to continue to co-fund Open Access publications in the years 2025-2027.
- Open Access publication?
- DFG (co-)funded research?
(Does not have to refer to the Corresponding/First Author) - DFG project entered as “Grant” in the DESY PubDB?
A publication can receive the DFG funding EXCLUSIVELY if ...
- it is a publication in quality-assured Open Access publication organs or within the framework of OA Transformation Agreements.
- at least one of the authors is funded by the DFG and the corresponding funding is mentioned in the Funding Acknowledgements.
- it is guaranteed that an open access book is associated with DFG project funding (funding amount up to € 5000).
- the Corresponding/First Author is affiliated with DESY and required to pay.
- the DFG grant is entered in the corresponding field of the PubDB mask when applying for approval to publish.
How do I enter the grant in PubDB so that my publication is funded by the DFG?
- Select the DFG grant in the corresponding field of the PubDB mask in the preliminary PubDB entry when applying for an approval:

- Identifiable by project number, title, runtime
- If this entry is missing, the DFG funding cannot be credited!
What can I do if I don't know the DFG project number?
That’s no problem, as matching projects are suggested by entering just a few clues in the grant search field. This means that the project you are looking for can be clearly identified as, in addition to the project number, title descriptions and runtimes provide precise indications.
Where can I find detailed information (including the project number) about the DFG projects?
- The GEPRIS database contains all DFG projects and provides information on projects, researchers and institutions: https://gepris.dfg.de
- The projects can also be searched through in the PubDB by clicking on ‘Grants’
What must be written in the Funding Acknowledgements?
According to DFG (01/2024): Funding Guidelines General Terms and Conditions for Funding Agreements with the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V. (DFG, German Research Foundation), p. 43, 13.1 Publication requirement:
„Project results which ensue from DFG-funded projects must be made accessible to the general public in a suitable manner. The publications must contain a reference to the DFG funding (so-called "Funding Acknowledgement") in the following form:
funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – project number(s)
In other language publications, a translation should be added in the target language. In German, the following acknowledgement is to be used: "Gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) –Projektnummer(n)".
The project number of the referenced project can be found in the award letter or in the GEPRIS project information system. gepris.dfg.de. If a publication refers to several projects the numbers must be separated by a semicolon.
Note: The project number is not the GZ (= Geschäftszeichen). It is a integer like 491245950.