New articles and books this week

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New items in library collection

New acquisitions of the current week. These items are on display in the Library and thus are not available for loan yet. Usually, they will be available next week.

[PUBDB-2024-01492] Book

Faktenimmun: warum Wissenschaftsleugnung so gefährlich ist und wie man sich davor schützt
Stuttgart : Hirzel : 1. Auflage, 220 Seiten : illustrations ()  GO
Unter dem Kürzel PLURV (Pseudoexperten, Logische Trugschlüsse, unerfüllbare Erwartungen, Rosinenpickerei, Verschwörungsmythen) ist das Phänomen der antiwissenschaftlichen Desinformation in jüngerer Vergangenheit vor allem im Bereich der Klimaaufklärung diskutiert worden. Eine umfassendere Betrachtung von Wissenschaftsleugnung in unterschiedlichen Fachgebieten mit einer kritischen Untersuchung der jeweils zentralen Argumente und einem Vergleich der Parallelen und Unterschiede findet in der Regel nicht statt. [...]
HH   001. 95 Hüm 1 available Find similar... ZEU On display 001. 95 Hüm 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2023-03686] Book
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Feynman lectures on computation
Boca Raton : CRC Press : Anniversary edition, xxiii, 401 pages : illustrations () [10.1201/9781003358817]  GO
"The last lecture course that Nobel Prize winner Richard P. Feynman gave to students at Caltech from 1983 to 1986 was not on physics but on computer science [...]
HH   004. 01 Fey 1 available Find similar... ZEU On display 004. 01 Fey 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-00810] Book
; ; ; et al
The LaTeX companion: part 2
Boston : Addison-Wesley, Addison-Wesley series on tools and techniques for computer typesetting : Third edition, xxxviii, 970 pages : illustrations ()  GO
HH   005. 52 LaTeX Mit 2 1 available Find similar... ZEU On display 005. 52 LaTeX Mit 2 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2021-01316] Book
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The LaTeX Companion: part 1
Boston : Addison-Wesley, Addison-Wesley series on tools and techniques for computer typesetting : Third edition, xxviii, 947 pages : illustrations ()  GO
HH   005. 52. LaTeX Mit 1 1 available Find similar... ZEU On display 005. 52 LaTeX Mit 1 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-06249] Book
Innovationsmanagement in Bibliotheken
Berlin : De Gruyter Saur, Praxiswissen VI, 175 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme () [10.1515/9783110338850]  GO
"Innovation is essential for libraries to keep up with current technological developments and ensure their future existence. The authors draw on their extensive experience in directing academic libraries throughout the German-speaking world [...]
External link: Download fulltextInhaltsverzeichnis
HH On display 025. 00684 Fin 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-06017] Book
Wissenschaftsleugnung: Fallstudien, philosophische Analysen und Vorschläge zur Wissenschaftskommunikation
Berlin : De Gruyter VI, 307 Seiten : Illustrationen () [10.1515/9783110788341]  GO
Wissenschaftsleugnung und Wissenschaftsfeindlichkeit werden zunehmend als gravierende Probleme für die partizipatorische Organisation von gesellschaftlichen und politischen Entscheidungsprozessen, die Repräsentation politischer Interessen und die Akzeptanz von wissenschaftlich begründeten Entscheidungen im privaten und öffentlichen Leben begriffen. Dies macht es dringlich, sich mit der Frage auseinanderzusetzen, wie Wissenschaftler/-innen, Forschungsgemeinschaften und wissenschaftliche Institutionen zu einer Lösung des Problems der Wissenschaftsleugnung beitragen können. [...]
External link: Download fulltextInhaltsverzeichnis
HH On display 501. Chri 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-06015] Book

A whirlwind history of the universe and mankind: from the big bang to the Higgs boson
Singapore : Springer xviii, 235 pages () [10.1007/978-981-97-2674-5]  GO
This book is an essential read for everyone who is curious about how we humans came to exist and interested in understanding the science and social evolution that enabled us to establish that a Big Bang actually happened. The text uniquely explains the transitions between the various evolutionary plateaus: from the universe’s beginning in the Big Bang, to the emergence of Homo sapiens, highlighting the Mediterranean civilizations of Greece and Rome, the European Renaissance, the English industrial revolution, and the early European science discoveries, particularly those in physics, to the American Manhattan Project and the subsequent development of the new field of high-energy particle physics. [...]
HH On display 509. San 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2017-138058] Book
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Mathematical methods for physicists: a comprehensive guide
Amsterdam : Elsevier : Seventh edition, 1205 pages ()  GO
Now in its 7th edition, Mathematical Methods for Physicists continues to provide all the mathematical methods that aspiring scientists and engineers are likely to encounter as students and beginning researchers. This bestselling text provides mathematical relations and their proofs essential to the study of physics and related fields [...]
External link: Download fulltexttable of contents
HH   M Arf 1 missing Find similar... HH On display 510. 2453 Arf 1 available Find similar... ZEU   M Arf 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2021-04104] Book

A direct measurement of cosmic rays to very high energies: Implications for galactic propagation and sources
Enschede : Ipskamp Drukkers 109 p. () = Doctoral thesis  GO
ZEU On display As Obe 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-06323] Book

Artificial intelligence models for the dark universe: forays in mathematical cosmology
Boca Raton : CRC Press : First edition, xi, 227 pages : illustrations, diagrams () [10.1201/9781003501534]  GO
This book explores the applications of AI and how it can be used to embark on a metaphysical quest to identify the topology of the universe as a prerequisite to implementing a physical model of the dark universe
HH On display 523. 1126 Fer 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-07300] Book

Essential Python for the physicist
Cham, Switzerland : Springer x, 302 pages : illustrations, diagrams ()  GO
External link: Download fulltexttable of contents
ZEU On display 530. 028553 Python Mor 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-07266] Book
The essence of a genius: a tribute to Yoichiro Nambu
Hackensack : World Scientific, World Scientific series in 20th century physics 46, x, 243 pages ()  GO
ZEU On display 530. 092 Bri 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-07248] Book
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Harald Fritzsch memorial volume
Singapore : World Scientific 385 pages ()  GO
ZEU On display 530. 092 Buch 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2023-03084] Book

Forks in the road: a life in physics
New Jersey : World Scientific viii, 155 pages : illustrations ()  GO
Early days : rootless cosmopolitan -- America -- College days -- Graduate school -- The institute for advanced study -- The Bohr Institute -- America again -- Boston - adulthood -- Academia : (UN)steady state -- Innocents abroad -- A big year -- Oxford et al. -- The eighties -- The iron curtain I -- The iron curtain II -- Tiananmen -- A last sabbatical -- Meetings and memorials -- Distinctions -- Festspiel
External link: Download fulltexttable of contents
ZEU On display A Des 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-01230] Book

Spezielle Funktionen der Physik mit MATLAB
Cham : Springer Spektrum XVII, 279 Seiten : Illustrationen () [10.1007/978-3-031-26287-6]  GO
Dieses Lehrbuch konzentriert sich auf spezielle Funktionen der Physik im reellen und komplexen Bereich. Es behandelt mehr als 170 verschiedene Funktionen mit zusätzlichen numerischen Hinweisen für effiziente Berechnungen, die für jeden nützlich sind, der auch mit anderen Programmiersprachen programmieren muss. [...]
HH On display 530. 10285 Schwe 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-01670] Book

Poincaré, Einstein and the discovery of special relativity: an end to the controversy
Cham : Springer, History of physics xv, 143 pages : illustrations () [10.1007/978-3-031-51387-9]  GO
HH On display 530. 1109 Gin 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2023-05498] Book

Local quantum measurement and relativity
Cham : Springer, Fundamental theories of physics 201, : Corrected publication, xiii, 392 pages : illustrations () [10.1007/978-3-030-67533-2]  GO
This book treats various aspects of the quantum theory of measurement, partially in a relativistic framework. Measurement(-like) processes in quantum theory are identified and analysed; and the quantum operator formalism is derived in full generality without postulating operators as observables. [...]
External link: Download fulltexttable of contents
HH On display 530. 120151542 Beck 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-05072] Book

Eine Rundreise durch die Quantenphysik: von der Unschärferelation bis zu Schrödingers Katze
Berlin : Springer Spektrum : 2. Auflage, VII, 225 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme () [10.1007/978-3-662-68739-0]  GO
Sind Sie fasziniert von den Fragen der Quantenphysik und wollen Sie Beiträge in den Medien zum Thema besser verstehen können? Wolfgang Osterhage gibt Ihnen in diesem kompakten Buch den Einstieg und Überblick, den Sie dafür brauchen - auch ohne quantenphysikalisches Vorwissen! Dieses Buch lädt Sie ein, mitzudenken, und die großen Probleme der Physik des Kleinsten kennenzulernen. Eine Reise durch die Quantenphysik ist und bleibt spannend: denn obwohl die Theorie fast 85 Jahre alt und eine der erfolgreichsten Theorien der Physik ist - hat sie doch viele ihrer Grundsatzfragen bis heute nicht endgültig beantworten können. [...]
External link: Download fulltextInhaltsverzeichnis
HH On display 530. 1202 Ost 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-06585] Book
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Relativistic and non-relativistic quantum mechanics: both at once
Cham : Springer, Undergraduate lecture notes in physics xi, 170 pages : illustrations, diagrams () [10.1007/978-3-031-37073-1]  GO
Currently, relativistic quantum mechanics is considered an advanced topic only accessible to students who have already received considerable training in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. However, the authors believe that they have found an excellent pedagogic approach for simultaneously introducing both topics. [...]
External link: Download fulltexttable of contents
HH On display 530. 1207 Gra 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-06346] Book

Fundamentals of photon physics
Boca Raton : CRC Press, Series in optics and optoelectronics : First edition, xxxiii, 525 pages : illustrations () [10.1201/9781003029458]  GO
The photon, an abstract concept belonging to a global vacuum, only manifests itself during interaction with matter. Fundamentals of Photon Physics describes the richly faceted basic theory of photon-matter interaction, selecting a wide number of topics. [...]
HH On display 530. 141 Kel 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2017-138434] Book

Quantum gravity
Oxford : Oxford University Press, International series of monographs on physics 155, : 3rd edition, XII, 393 pages () [10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199585205.001.0001]  GO
External link: Download fulltexttable of contents
HH   530. 14207 Kie 1 on loan Find similar... ZEU On display E Kie 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2023-04042] Book

Symmetrien in der Physik: Gruppen- und Darstellungstheorie mit Anwendungen
Berlin : Springer Spektrum XVIII, 528 Seiten : Illustrationen () [10.1007/978-3-662-66313-4]  GO
External link: Download fulltextInhaltsverzeichnis
HH   530. 152207 Wip 1 available Find similar... ZEU On display 530. 152207 Wip 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-05409] Book

Computational plasma science: physics and selected simulation examples
Singapore : Springer, Springer Series in Plasma Science and Technology xiv, 294 pages : illustrations () [10.1007/978-981-99-1137-0]  GO
The book presents fundamentals of plasma physics with rich references and computational techniques in a concise manner. It particularly focuses on introductions to numerical simulation methods in plasma physics, in addition to those to physics and mathematics in plasma physics. [...]
HH On display 530. 440285 Kaw 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-01403] Book

Bose Einstein condensation of excitons and polaritons
Singapore : Bentham Science Publishers 1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations, diagrams ()  GO
HH On display 530. 474 Som 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-05952] Book

Variational pinciples in physics
Cham : Springer : Second edition, xiii, 241 pages : illustrations () [10.1007/978-3-031-21692-3]  GO
This revised and enhanced new edition of a well-established textbook provides a balanced overview of various areas of theoretical physics based on the use of variational principles. As well as field theory, the book deals with motion in curved spaces, the cradle of general relativity, and gravitational optics. [...]
HH On display 531. 01515 Bas 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-06356] Book
The autobiography of light
Cham : Springer xxii, 292 pages : illustrations () [10.1007/978-3-031-56917-3]  GO
HH On display 535. 09 Gra 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-01535] Book
Elementarteilchenphysik: von den Grundlagen zu den modernen Experimenten
Berlin : Springer Spektrum, Lehrbuch : 4. Auflage, xix, 675 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme () [10.1007/978-3-662-67387-4]  GO
HH On display 539. 7207 Ber 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2023-01585] Book
Neutrinos in physics and astrophysics
Hackensack : World Scientific xiii, 221 pages : illustrations () [10.1142/12982]  GO
HH   539. 7215 Rou 1 available Find similar... ZEU On display 539. 7215 Rou 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-04244] Book

Quantum geometry, matrix theory, and gravity
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press xvi, 402 pages : illustrations () [10.1017/9781009440776]  GO
Building on mathematical structures familiar from quantum mechanics, this book provides an introduction to quantization in a broad context before developing a framework for quantum geometry in Matrix Theory and string theory. Taking a physics-oriented approach to quantum geometry, this framework helps explain the physics of Yang-Mills-type matrix models, leading to a quantum theory of space-time and matter. [...]
HH   539. 72580151 Ste 1 available Find similar... ZEU On display 539. 72580151 Ste 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-06020] Book

Low energy particle accelerator-based technologies and their applications
Boca Raton : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group : First edition, xix, 369 pages : illustrations, diagrams () [10.1201/9781003033684]  GO
"Low Energy Particle Accelerator-Based Technologies and Their Applications describes types of low energy accelerators, presents some of the main manufacturers, illustrates some of the accelerator laboratories around the globe and shows the examples of successful transfer of accelerators to needed laboratories. This is an essential reference to advanced students as well as physicists, engineers and practitioners in accelerator science."
External link: Download fulltexttable of contents
HH On display 539. 73 Val 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2023-00331] Book

Fundamentals of particle accelerator physics
Cham : Springer, Graduate texts in physics XV, 267 pages : illustrations, diagrams () [10.1007/978-3-031-07662-6]  GO
HH   539. 7307 Di M 1 available Find similar... ZEU On display 539. 7307 Di M 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2023-03629] Book
Physics of gravitational waves: sources and detection methods
Cham : Springer, SpringerBriefs in physics viii, 56 pages : illustrations, diagrams () [10.1007/978-3-031-30463-7]  GO
HH   539. 754 Ken 1 available Find similar... ZEU On display 539. 754 Ken 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2022-08106] Book
Elementary particles and their interactions
Cham : Springer, Graduate texts in physics ix, 361 pages : illustrations () [10.1007/978-3-031-14368-7]  GO
HH   539. 75407 Mar 1 available Find similar... ZEU On display 539. 75407 Mar 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2022-05407] Book
Semiconductor radiation detectors: technology and applications
Boca Raton : CRC Press, Devices, circuits, and systems : First issued in paperback, xx, 290 pages : illustrations, diagrams () [10.1201/9781315200729]  GO
HH On display 539. 776 Rez 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-06325] Book
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Fiber lasers: fundamentals with MATLAB modelling
Boca Raton : CRC Press : First edition, xiv, 375 pages () [10.1201/9781003256380]  GO
External link: Download fulltexttable of contents
HH On display 621. 3661 Mey 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2022-01357] Book
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Image processing and data analysis: the multiscale approach
Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Press X, 287 pages : illustrations, graphical representations ()  GO
ZEU On display M Sta 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-06486] Book
Alignment: using the balanced scorecard to create corporate synergies
Boston : Harvard Business School Press x, 302 pages : illustrations ()  GO
External link: Download fulltexttable of contents
HH On display 658. 4012 Kap 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-06255] Book
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Projektmanagement mit Microsoft 365 für Dummies
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH GmbH, ... für Dummies : 1. Auflage, 541 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme ()  GO
External link: Download fulltextInhaltsverzeichnis
HH On display 658. 404028553 Win 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-01607] Book
; ; ; et al
Lernfelder Metalltechnik: Grundwissen
Köln : Westermann : 6. Auflage, 324 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme ()  GO
External link: Download fulltextInhaltsverzeichnis
HH On display 671. 07 Bie 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2024-06330] Book

The art of effective science communication: a performer's guide to public speaking
Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, Palgrave practical guides in communication xiii, 114 pages : illustrations () [10.1007/978-3-031-57030-8]  GO
HH On display 808. 510245 Dan 1 available Find similar...
[PUBDB-2023-03595] Book
Collision: stories from the science of CERN
[Manchester] : Comma Press xii, 323 pages ()  GO
HH   823. 92 App 1 on loan Find similar... ZEU On display 823. 92 App 1 available Find similar...

New items in library collection

New acquisitions of the current week. These items are on display in the Library and thus are not available for loan yet. Usually, they will be available next week.