Our Services

Introduction to the DESY Library - Please use the navigation in the top right to scroll through the slides.

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Journal articles

We have access to the fulltext of articles from electronic journals.
Hardcopies of the periodicals can be found in the library.

When accessing copyrighted material, the legal requirements for copyright and the licensing conditions of the provider/publisher must be observed. For further information please contact the library.

For other journals we can buy single articles.
Either via FATER - just follow this link 'Order fulltext via DESY'(works only in DESY Intranet) or contact Christian Welch, phone: 3603

Acquisition of books and magazines

To buy books for your group please do not use e.biss yet. We are still working on a special mode. Instead please fill out our forms for book or magazine order and send it via internal mail to Christian Welch- Library. Exceptionally we accept also an email to Christian Welch sent from a person who is authorized to sign for the cost center (Kostenstelle).

Acquisition form for all kinds of media
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Acquisistion form (33KB)
Please fill in this form, print it and send it to the library.


  • Printing of DESY reports and publications
  • Printing of proceedings
  • Assinging DOIs


Newspapers are on display in a shelf in front of the library.
Lists of electronic books and DESY conference proceedings.

Acquisition of new literature

Every DESY member can make suggestions for the acquisition of new literature. Please send your proposal as a formless message to the library. Please feel also free to request items from our suggestion service.